Seventeen- Dino

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"Katie! We need you!" I groaned and got up from the floor. I stretched my legs and dusted the skirt from my cheer uniform.

"You said I can take a break Rye." I whined walking over to her and the other girls and guys in our cheer uniform.

"Well, your the only shining star on this team and the main flyer." I sighed and place my hand on my hips. I listened to her instructions on our new routine. Our routine was more advance than to our normal routine. It was mixed with hip hop and the basic flying routines.

I dropped on the floor from the difficult hip hop choreo. "Rye," I huffed out air and moved the baby hair that stuck to my cheeks away from my face. "Why are we dancing to this again?" I laid on the floor since it was cooler.

"The judges mentioned something about trying something new. By the looks of it so far, I think we can win championships." She said beside me. I sighed and closed my eyes. My throat was dry and I didn't feel like getting up. My body was sore. My feet was aching.

"Hyung Yu~" I called. He was by my bag so I can ask him to bring me my water bottle.

"What~" he copied my whining voice.

"Can you being me my water bottle, please." I asked looking at him. He nodded and grabbed my water bottle and walked over to me. I thanked him and took a large gulp from it.

"Do you think you can ask your boyfriend to help us with the choreo part?" I started choking on my drink. I coughed loudly and clutched the neck part of the uniform. I was desperately searching for air.

"Oi, oi!" Hyung Yu patted my back trying to help me. Rye panicked and started fanning my face. I have mo idea why?

"Okay, I-Im okay." I stopped having a coughing fit but still coughed a little. My throat burned for that action.

"If I knew you'd act like this when I mentioning your boyfriend, I wouldn't have." She chuckled. I looked away feeling my cheeks warm up. "So would you?"

"I don't know. I mean, hes busy with practice with his band all." I said noting that he grew more famous ever since Pledis Entertainment announced that he got into a group.

"Oh yeah, I forgot he was in a band. Seventeen right?" Hyung Yu asked. I nodded.

"Alright," Rye said standing up. "Thats enough for practice. Its almost midnight, lets go home." I nodded and got up. I limped to my bag. I rolled my shoulders before putting my bag on. I grabbed my keys and told the others that I'm leaving and drove home carefully.

Being a senior high school student is tough. Almost graduating and already has a scholarship for cheerleading at a young age.

I showered before slipping into my bed and doze off. Tomorrow is another full day of practice.


"Katie, wake up." I felt myself slowly drift away from my dreamland. My mind starts to clear and slowly wake up to there senses. "Katie," I heard my name being called but I didn't move. I wanted go stay in a curled position for a little while. I wanted to sleep more. "Babe,"

That woke me up. I opened my eyes and stared at the wall. I moved a little and turn around to see my boyfriend smiling down at me. I blinked a couple times before it settled in. "Omo," I covered my face. "What are you doing here?!" I raised my voice peeking at him. He chuckled. "How-how did you get in my room?"

"Your Mom let me in. They said you wouldn't wake up." Thats right. I came home at midnight. I looked at my clock. 10:37am. I shot out if bed. Almost kicking Dino.

"Sorry Chanie." I apologized and rushed out my room to the bathroom. "Shit, Imma be late." I brushed my teeth and washed up before packing my cheer bag for practice. I kicked Dino out of the room so I could change into sweats and a short sleeve shirt.

"Babe," I opened my bedroom door and headed downstairs. "Do you think you and your performance team would help us practice today ?" I asked him as I ate a peach.

"Sure, I'll ask. Hoshi hyung!" Dino called. My eyes widened. I heard a bunch of foot steps coming our way. I watched as my chocolate lab ran away from Hoshi who was chasing after her. She moved to my side and hid from him.

"Whats up?" He said out of breath.

"Do you think you, Dino, Jun-ah, and Minghao-yah, can help our cheer routine?" I asked.

"I'll ask S.Coups hyung, but why us?" He asked resting his hands on his hips.

"Our cheer routine has hip hop choreo in it and my captain thinks we need help." I threw out my peach and grabbed my back.

"Okay." I said goodbye to my Mom who was outside gardening. I got in my car with Dino and Hoshi. They didn't drive here and had someone drop them off. We got to the gym and we walked in. Hoshi said that the other members would be here too. Hopefully its not all of them.

"Kate Whos th- oh is this your boyfriend?" Liv pointed at Dino who was holding my cheer bag. I nodded. She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Alright kids!" Rye shouted and we gathered around. "Lets start. We have some good choreographers here to help us with our routine. Especially with those who are having trouble. Shin Ha."

"Yah!" He yelled. She clapped her hands and ignored him. "Lets start!"

*Day of Championships*

I huffed out air as I parted my hair up. Rin Hee helped put a purple and blue ribbons in my hair. We finished touch ups on our make up. We had designs of lighting, and stars on our cheeks.

"Aigoo you look so cute!" Rin Hee praised me as she fluffed my waved hair.

"Stoppp~" I laughed.

"Girls, guys, its time." Rye said. We gathered around in a circle and huddled around each other. We all put our hands in the middle. "We call upon the spirit gods, the cheer gods, and the music gods. We pray and hope we don't forget out routines and not get hurt." Rye started. "We can do this. Lets bring home a trophy. On 3. 1,2,3, Go Wizards!" We all cheered.

We walked down the hall towards the back entrance of the gym. I fixed the torn white dress I had to wear over my uniform. "Ready?" Hyung Yu said putting on the hood of his black cloak. I nodded and exhaled.

"Up next, the Magic Wizards!" The lights went out and we went and stood in out positions.

"GO KAITIE!" I heard a bunch of people shout and they were hushed.

"You have fans." Hye Soo giggled who stood over me. I knew exactly who they where and it was 13 people to be exact. The music started and lightening lights effect with thunder sounds filled the room. We started dancing and doing flips following the fast 4/4 beats if the music.

Most of the time I was in the air with other cheerleaders and some where dancing and holding us up. Whistles, cheers, and noises cane from the crowd once we finished. I was breathing heavily and waved goodbye to the crowd. I spotted SEVENTEEN who was sitting in the front upper level of the floor, screaming at me.

The competition was now over and we were waiting for awards. "Whatever happens, happens okay? We made it this far, we just need to keep pushing." Rye said to us. We nodded and agreed. We all held hands and stood in the large gym with the other 8 teams.

"First place goes too..." My heart was pounding. I felt light headed. I want to win. I want my team to win. We all kept praying. "Magic Wizards!" I looked up in shock as the crowd scream.

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