Block B- Zico

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I grip my hair out of frustration over my work. I looked at my creation. In my opinion it finally looks decent. The outline, the design, colors, and how the clothing were put together.

But why the fuck does my boss not even like my work? Why would she make me her assistant but never appreciate how much effort I put into these designs? My phone rang snapping me out of my angry/upset state. I sniffed and sighed as I answered without looking at the ID.


"Well hello to you too." My boyfriend said. "Whats wrong?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Sorry sweet, I didnt mean to sound rude. Stress is building up from work." I put him on speaker as I laid my head down on the table. I still have to survive 3 hours.

"Its okay babe." He chuckled. "Whens lunch?" I looked at the digital clock above my door.

"In about 4 minutes." I replied. My stomach growled. Thanks for reminding me of food.

"Great, I'll see you soon. Bye jagi." He said.

"Okay, bye." I sounded confused. He chuckled on the other end and hung up. I sat up and brushed my hair out of my face.

"Ah Ro!" One of my assistants ran in panting. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Eun Hee needs you." My stomach dropped at the sound of my boss's name. I sighed.

I grabbed my sketches and notebook with my phone and walked out the door. She led me towards Eun Hee's office. I knocked on the door before entering.

"Good, your here. Are you planning to go somewhere?" She asked mischievous.

"Um yeah. I'm going out for lunch." I spoke politely even though I hate her with a passion.

"Great." She smiled. "I ordered Thai food at this restaurant," she handed me the address. "It should be ready in about 25 minutes so can you pick it up for me? Thanks." She smiled politely.

I held the address in my hand and looked at it then at her. "Okay." I said straining my voice from shouting. My heart was clutching in my chest. "Do I need your credit card too?"

"Oh yeah, I don't have it on me. I left it at home, and I don't have pocket cash." I blinked three times. I smiled a closed eye smile at her and bowed.

"I'll pick it up." I quickly left. What the heck!? She wants me to pay for her food and pick it up? I'm not her maid or her personal assistant that rubs errands for her. I make her clothes, designs, outfits for her.

"Woah there." I felt someone touched my shoulder. I almost ran into someone because I was to busy fuming and trying yo control the angry tears that threatened to spill. I looked up and he placed his cold hands against my burning hot cheeks.

"Your face is on fire. Stop being angry or you'll burn." He pouted. I gave him a small smile. He bent down and gave me a quick kiss. "Thats my smile." He smiled.

"Stop." I moved away from him and walked towards the closet to get my jacket but he grabbed my arm pulled me back and gave me a big hug. I giggled and have me a big squeezed that tickled my sides. "Jiho!" I squealed. I could hear his delighted chuckle next to my ear. I moved my head back and kissed his neck then cheek. I pried away from his hug and put my jacket on.

I grabbed my purse and phone. We left quickly so my boss wouldn't stop me again. Jiho took me to our favorite sushi place. We ordered our meal and I started talking about how shitty my dad was.

"Its okay Ah Ro. Shes just jealous." Jiho tried to comfort me.

"She hates me. I know it." He sighed and fed me a sushi roll. I smiled at him. "I love you."

"I love you too babe. Stay happy." I nodded and we finished eating. I told him we needed to stop by a Thai restaurant to get my boss's food. I have about $60 in my pocket.

"I'll go in and get in."

"No. I'm coming with you." He parked his car, got out and opened my door for me. He laced our fingers together and kissed the back of my hand.

I kissed his cheek and we walked in together. I walked up to the front desk. "Hi, I came to pick up an order for Eun Hee. Park Eun Hee."

"Ah, I'll go get it." We waited and 4 brown bags came out of the kitchen. Are you kidding me? "It'll be.....$178.25 please." What the actual freak? What did she order? I don't even have that amount on me.

I released Jiho's hand to get my wallet out but he held my hand tighter. "Here you go sir." Jiho gave him his credit card

"Yah." I said softly. "I can pay."

"Its fine." He squeezed my hand. "I want to." How did I even get a guy like him?

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