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"Hey guys, welcome to Vlogmas day 22. So I just finished editing vlogmas day 21 and thats uploaded now. So I just for an email from YG Entertainment, and if you don't know who that its, its a record label in South Korea where my sister and I auditioned for. Shes stayed there and debuted and I left. I want to read the email to you, its all in Korean by the way:

Hello Vanessa, I hope your doing well. We, YG Entertainment wanted to start something new. Its almost Christmas and our trainees and artists are working very hard, and we want to pay them back. I sent 3 tickets to you. Your flight information is attached to this email. I hope you can make it."

I can't believe YG is doing this. Usually they just focus on work. Yeah they do let you see your family but its on a rare occasion.

"Well, I should start packing and call my parents to get ready to leave tomorrow. I'll see you in the next slide." I stopped recording and looked at the flight details. I print that out and grabbed my phone and called my mom.


"Ma, YG just emailed me and they sent us tickets to go visit them. I don't think Chae Young knows."

"Really? I'm going to see my baby again?" We haven't seen Rosie for about 2 years now. One its because we can't all afford to see her, and its really hard going to see them.

"Yup, were leaving tomorrow morning at 9, so I'll pick you up around 7. Start packing."

"Okay, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow Vanessa."

We hung up and I started to pack. I'm really excited to see her and my boyfriend. My phone vibrates when I was packing. I looked at it and it was from him. Speaking of the devil. I smiled and open the message.

From Mino:
I just got out of practice and I'm so tired. I wanna cuddle!😩
Its been so long since we last seen each other😞
What are you doing?

I giggled at the multiple text from him. Before I could answer he was facetiming me. My eyes widened. I can't let him see me pack.

I answered. His face appeared and he was pouting and hugging my stuff penguin I gave him. "I miss you." He said.

"I miss you too." I blew him a kiss. Its been too long since I last felt his kiss. He looks sad. I frowned. "Are you okay? Whats wrong?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to lose you. Its been so long since I last seen you in person and this long distance relationship is killing me." His voice cracks. I could tell be was going to cry. And if he cries, I'mma end up crying.

"Baby please don't cry." I said.

"Gun Hee's  girlfriend broke up with him because she couldn't take it anymore. She lost interest. I-I don't want t-that to happen to us." Tears were falling from his face.

That night Mino and I talked it out. We both cried and shared I miss you. With the over sea time district I had to go to sleep. One because I'm flying over their and two, we were both tired.


My parents and I got off the plane and checked out. We spotted our driver and they drove us to our hotel. Here we got dressed and ready to meet our siblings. I took out my vlogging camera and started vlogging.

"Hey guys, I'm here with parents in Seoul, South Korea. Its really good to be back. So I'm going to shower and get all dressed up to surprise my sister!" I ended it and went to shower and change.

We got back in the car and drove to the entertainment. I vlogged all the way there. We were assigned a room to stay in. We had to secretly move around the building towards our assigned room. "I'm nervous." I heard my mom said. I smiled and hugged her quickly. "I think I'm going to cry."

"Its okay." I saw a door that said Chae Young written in hangul. I opened the door and the room was already decorated.

I set up 2 cameras around the room so it was angled at me and at the door. I heard someone talking behind the door. My mom and my dad were hugging each other. The door opened and Rosie stepped in. She gasped and covered her mouth. I smiled and laughed. Tears were already building up in her eyes.

"VANESSA!" She ran and hugged me. We both embrace each other. She then hugged our mom and dad. "I miss you guys! What are you doing here!"

"YG contacted us." I said hugging her again. Suddenly the door burst open again and I turned around still hugging Rosie and saw my boyfriend. His eyes were pink. I think he was crying from seeing his family.

Rosie stopped hugging me and turned to look at him. He started to cry again. I quickly embraced him. Hes so emotional lately, its cute.

"You lier." He said stuffing his face in my neck. I told him I had to go to the states because je saw my luggage.

"I'm sorry. I'm here now. I love you." He pulled back and gave me a long and passionate kiss that I've been wanting for so long.

"Merry Christmas." I giggled. He shook his head and hugged me tighter.

Miracles do happen. Time will catch up.

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