Jay Park

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I sat in my room scrolling through social media. It was around 9 at night and I just finished dinner. I live on my own for a while. So no one disturbs me, unless theres people outside my house or my neighbors.

My house is small and its in a secluded area. Theres only a few houses down my street but my house is the furthest. Its also convenient because of me dating an idol and all, most fans don't expect him to be here.

I got up from my bed and made my way towards the kitchen for water. I was about to switch on my light when I heard rustling noises outside the house. I stopped dead in my tracks as I felt a shiver run up my spine.

I don't own a pet. Yes there could be stray animals outside but I don't wanna think about a dangerous animal lurking outside. I slowly walked into the kitchen trying to ease my mind when something fell down and crashed and muttering sounds coming from the back. I let out a shriek and ran back into my room.

I grabbed my phone and locked my bedroom door. I grabbed a hold of a metal bat I kept beside me incase something like this happens. But even if I have a weapon, I don't think I'll be able to hurt anyone. Thats just how I am.

I dialed Jay's number but he didn't pick up for the first 2 times. He told me earlier today that he was working on music or just business with Simon. He also mentioned that hes gonna be hanging out with the guys so I don't know if he'll answer.

"Come on, Jay please pick up." I whined calling him again. When hes working like this I doubt he'll answer but I wouldn't spam him wi-

"What?" He answered. It wasn't rude but I can hear music and the other members shouting in the back.

"I'm sorry for calling at your 'dudes night out' but I think theres someone at my house." I answered biting on my nails.

"Babe, Ye Jin, its probably an animal-"

"No, Jaebeom, I'm serious. Please come over, I don't care if your friends come along, you can just hang out here and do whatever, but please. I'm scared." I looked at my door, fearing that someone would barge in.

"Ye Jin, you'll be okay." He assured me. I frowned and was close to tears. I heard another something outside my window. Theres a security light outside my room and it light up, casting a shadow of some sort.

"Jay, I see shadows. Baby, please come over." I begged and sniffed moving my back against the wall and hugging the bat.

"Okay, baby don't cry. I'll come over. Just be quiet and don't move. Use the bat if you need to." He hung up and I was all alone. I clutch the phone tightly in my hand. My lights were off and I was scared to turn it on. The only light there was, was the security lights.

The security light went out and I was left in the dark. About 10 minutes went by and nothing happened. The strangers probably left but I wasn't to sure.

I heard a car sound drive into my drive way. I hugged the bat closer feeling my fear settle down as I thought of Jay. Door slams were heard and loud voices followed behind. "Ye Jin?" I heard my boyfriend call when he unlocked the door. Running footsteps came towards my room. He opened the door and I quickly jumped up, dropping the bat and ran to him.

He hugged me tightly as I felt tears run down my face. "Stop crying, Ye Jin, you okay, your safe." He rubbed my back calming me down.

"I was so scared. I h-heard them." I stuff my face in his neck. He rocked me and forth.

"The guys went to look around, I'm sure there gone. Its okay." He pulled my face away from his chest and kissed my forehead then lips. "I'm here. Stop crying." I nodded and sniffed. I'm glad I have someone to actually look after me, even know I can take care of my self, everyone needs someone to be their for them.

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