Monsta X- Jooheon

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I walked down the hall with one ear bud in. I looked down at the piece of paper that has my schedule. I could see people in my parallel vision looking at me. With my open ear, I could hear there chattering about me. The new girl.

I moved my bangs away from my face and walked down the stairs to the first floor. I needed to find this class that I'm lowkey happy I got in.

One class I need to audition for, and midway in the school year I manage to get in. I looked from room number to number and found the class. 109 Rap Class. The bell rang and I exhaled walked in slowly.

I saw guys sitting on top of bleachers and standing on chairs. I was hoping there would be girls here. But not a lot of girls rap. I mean, I know idols who do, but for school? Theres none. But then I saw a girl walked in from another door, looking down.

"Alright, sit." A male teacher said beside me. He smiled at me and gestured me to walk in. I walked in and found all eyes on me. I paused my music and took off my headphones and walked towards the teachers desk.

"It's November I know, but we have a new student." The rap coach looked at me.

"I'm Hye-Jin, but you can call me Kaishi. Annyeonghaseyo." I bowed in front of them. They were silent. Everyone was staring at me. I looked around the room and not make eye contact.

"I hope you can keep up." A guy with light brown hair spoke up. I look at him. His eyes were slightly small when he smirked. I smirked back. I have this vibe from him that hes a cocky guy who is proud then he raps.

"Bring it." I walked towards the girl who sat alone and looked shocked from what just happened. The teacher started going over some things and I didn't pay attention.

"Hey Kaishi, thank god your here. I thought I'll be the only girl." She said as I sat beside her. "I'm Lydia." I nodded.

I want to hear people rap. People audition for this class and I heard there were standards to reach it.

"Why do you like to be called Kaishi?" She asked me.

"If I ever get famous, Kaishi would be my stage name. Its means the Beginning in Japanese." She nodded.

"Kaishi," I looked to the teacher. "Would you kindly rap for us so we know how you rap." He wants me to rap now?

"Sure." I stood up and fixed the school uniform before walking in front of class.

"You can rap anything you like." He said sitting by his chair. He knows how I rap, but not the others. I decided I'll rap one if an original songs I made. I plugged my phone into the speakers of the room and played Jahlil Beats through the speakers. I walked center of the room and tugged the sleeve of my sweater up to my elbows and started rapping.

After about a minute I stopped and looked around the room. They guys had there mouths open, some looked at me with wide eyes, and one that caught my attention wasn't looking at me at all. Lydia started clapping, and the guys followed.

"Awesome, 'girls can rap.'" One of the guys said from my lyrics. I smiled a bit before going to my neutral face. I shut off my music and sat next to Lydia.

"Jooheon-hyung, shes just as good as you." A guy with lighter brown hair budged the guy with was playing with his pencil.

"Yah, stop it." He said moving away from the guy who bothered him. So his name is Jooheon...thats adorable.

*2 Month Later*

"Hye-Jin-ah! Hye-Jin-ah! Hye-Jin-ah!" The school and her team chanted as they walked on stage. Why would Mad Clown-ssi start a rap contest in school? Its not even huge? Its 2 teams. Mine and Jooheons. I doubt I'll win. I only been here for 2 months and had alot of vocal and rapping training, and we improved. I know how Jooheon raps and who he is, he also knows me.

"Jooheon-ah, Jooheon-ah, Jooheon-ah!" Half of the school chanted along with his own team. He walked into stage and stood beside me smiling. Its one of those challenging smile. He knows whats coming and hes being cocky that he can beat me. I batted my lashes and smile back.

His dimples were the ones that made my heart stop. I dont know why, but its giving me this weird feeling. I can't like him. Hes my enemy right now. I can't feel this way.

"Alright, alright settle down." Mad Clown took a mic and started speaking.

"This is a competition I am holding for my Rapping Class. I'm glad you all can make it and support them." The crowd whistled and cheered before they stopped making noise. "The two teams that will battle are team Kaishi!" He said pointing to me and the crowd cheered. I made a fist in my head and smiled. "Next is team Jooheon." The whole school yelled and cheered. He looked over to me and smirked.

"Lets go!" Jooheon and I faced each other and we did a handshake we both came up with. It ended with our fingers hooked in a thumb war position and we shook it. "Good luck." He said.

"Why are you telling me that? Your the one who needs it." I smirked back and walked away towards my group. I had Bobby, Lydia, Kid Monster, and Jackson. On Jooheon's team he had his best friend I.M, Hanbin, Mark, and #Gun or Sharp Gun.

The others faced off and Mad Clown, Zico, and Jay Park were the judges. Finally it was the two team leader. The score was 2-2.

The crowd grew silent as we took center stage. The beat starts to kick in. I rapped first. The lyrics I wrote, roasted Jooheon and his team, praised rappers and girl rappers. I rapped about classes and schooling and about myself, but it wasn't a big thing.

The crowd clapped and cheered and laughed. I looked at my vans. I was glad we can wear our regular clothing than uniforms.

"Thats good. Thanks for calling me out." Jooheon chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Lets do this."

The beat dropped again. He began to rap and when he raps he went from slow to fast. He circled around me and touched my hair and poked my shoulder pointing out my outfit. He wasn't insulting me that much but he did praise me for my looks and voice.

"I know this is gonna be a win-win situation, cuz look, *pause standing in front of me and smiled* I won my trophy." I felt my heart stop. My whole body was frozen. I was lucky enough not to drop the mic in my hands. "The way you rap, the way you smile, girl, your my treasure and doesn't matter who wins or lose, as long I have you, I'll be the true champion."

I heard 'oohs' 'awes' and whistles around me. "Hye-Jin-sshi, will you be girlfriend? I promise this corny raps will end." He still held my hand.

I looked at it then up at his eyes. He likes me? Since when? My heart was racing even more. I do like him now that I figured it out. I smiled.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you next time." He hugged me and kissed my cheeks before spinning me.

"I liked you since I heard you rap. I fell in love with your voice." I hugged him tighter.

"Your lyrics and dimples are why I fell for you." I giggled.

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