Stiles and His Suspicion

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I get out of the car and Derek climbs out as well, we stand facing each other.

My eyes flick to the bags sitting in the back of his car. He cups my face so my eyes are looking into his.

"I'm gonna miss waking up to those beautiful brown eyes." I smile, my eyes start to fill with tears.

"I'm gonna miss you, so much."

He pulls me into his arms and holds me, my body shakes trying to suppress my sobs.

I always hated this part. "I love you Emily."

"I love you too Derek." My voice chokes out.

He puts his hand in my hair and kisses the top of my head I look up and kiss him passionately.

"I'll come back I swear." He mutters his voice cracking some.

"You better." I mutter my voice fighting to stay calm and find a hint of joy.

"I promise." I pull back and reach for my necklace unclasp it and place it in his hand.

"Give it back to me when you come home."

"I will." He chokes out.

He lets go of me and puts the necklace into his pocket. He wipes away the stray tear that has fallen kisses my forehead.

"I love you Em."

"I love you too,Derek." He holds my hand and gives it a tight squeeze, and slowly releases are hands until the last moment, he walks towards his car and I watch him go, and my heart still breaks every time I watch him go.

"Be safe." I whisper.

I walk into the clinic and smile at Scott as he hands a small dog to a little girl.

"Here you go Stephanie." He says. I walk up behind her and smile down at him.

"Thank you Doctor McCall." She says back in a small sweet voice.

"I'm not a doctor yet." Scott replies.

"But he will be." I add in, Stephanie smiles back at me. I've known her for a while since she would always come in ever since the dog she brought in today was a puppy.

I put my bag down on the counter and pull my hair into a pony tail and bring over the talons. Deaton pours them out and examines them under a magnifying lens while holding them with medical tongs 

"Are you both sure this guy was a werewolf? As far as I can tell, these claws are actually talons. In fact, they're the talons of a harpy eagle, one of the largest birds of prey." He continues to explain.

"How does a werewolf get talons?" I ask.

"Personally I'm more interested in how these talons somehow were able to absorb your power, Scott."

"The only one who should be able to do that is a Beta of his own making right, like Liam? Not even I can do that." I cut in.

"Exactly." Deaton comments.

"And what if I let someone into my pack? Like another Beta?" Scott inquires and I give him a look right away knowing who he is talking about.


"I would normally say no...but I'm starting to wonder if the rules to our supernatural world aren't as rigid as I once thought." Deaton replies.

"Or maybe someone is trying to change the rules." I cut in.

We all exchanged looks, what a scary thought that would be.


After hearing Scott suggest the possibility of letting Theo into the pack I called Stiles his suspicion of people may have wormed its way into my personality as well, but for once I wanted to make sure there wasn't going to be a problem from this kid before it happened.

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