Stake Out Gone Wrong

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    We pulled up to the clinic and walked and were greeted by Theo. "What's going on?"

Stiles walks over to the wall. "Whoever's stealing the bodies probably isn't going to do it while we're standing guard over one of them." Stiles says as he begins pulling out his phone and I move over by him.

"So you've got a better idea?" Theo asks.

"Actually I do." I reply with a smirk at Theo and flick a tendril behind my head.

 I pull out a phone that was already synced to a smart watch that my dad had. I hand the phone to Stiles for him to place so we could view the body and see who was taking them.

We climbed back out into the Jeep with Theo and Stiles slipped the watch over the rear view mirror it was on and working.

Theo was in the front seat with Stiles and I was in the back, I don't really know how this arrangement occurred but it did.

"Now what?" Theo asks.

"We wait." Stiles answers.

"You want to take shifts watching?"

"No, no. I want to spend some quality time with you." I answer.

Theo catches my eyes in the mirror and smirks. "Sounds good to me."

I cross my arms over my chest and roll my eyes.

This is going to be a long night.


After a long moment of silence Theo breaks it again. "You still wondering why I haven't said anything to Scott?"

Stiles catches my eyes in the mirror. "Maybe." He answers.

"You think I've got some kind of ulterior motive?"

"More than likely." I answer.

"Would you believe me if I said all I want...All I've ever wanted is for you guys to trust me?" Theo looks at my eyes in the mirror.

I narrow them at Theo.

"Nope." Stiles and I answer in unison.

"So you're here because you're never going to trust me."

Stiles turns his head to look back at me. I nod my head. "Yep." We say together.

"Glad we had this talk." I add tartly.

"You know who you two remind me of?" Theo poses the question.

"Theo, we don't care." Stiles answers.

"My sister. She was smarter than everyone too, like Stiles," He turns back to look at me. "And a pain in the ass like you." He turns forward again. "She always looked out for me. The same way you look out for each other. The same way you look out for Scott," Stiles and I share a look of meaning in the mirror.

"You know I was the one that found her body. She'd fallen into a creek, broken her leg. They told us she would've been okay if it wasn't one of the coldest nights of the year. If it wasn't for the hypothermia. And when I found her all I could think was that I should've known. That I should've been looking out for her."

For once Theo actually looked remorseful. "Why are you telling us this?" I ask.

"I'm telling you because even if you don't trust me and even if you don't like me, I'm still going to be looking out for you. Both of you." Our eyes lock in the mirror but I look away.

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