Family Meetings

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Chapter 9

I left later that night because Mr. McCall was looking for me and he said he needed to talk to me. I swear the male McCall's just have a built in cock block.

         I also got my phone back, after the pain in the ass I spoon with gave it back. He also took the battery out of it. So when I turned it on I had two missed calls.

         I was at the Sheriff's station waiting for Mr. McCall, he shot the PSAT teacher after he tried to kill Stiles, I said he was a serial killer!

         God all of my teachers want to murder me, why can't I just get a decent education without worrying about being murdered?

         Nope that's not possible because I am Emily Argent, who the universe likes to use as target practice for bad things.

         Anyway I'm glad Mr. McCall saved Stiles, but Jesus to these people ever get background checks?

        Mr. McCall came out to talk to us. “Thanks waiting. I know it's late.”

        “It's okay, it's not like we're gonna be going to school tomorrow.” Scott replies with a half smile.

         “Unfortunately, I have to go back to San Francisco tonight.” I nodded. I didn't want Mr. McCall to leave, he was the biggest asshole that walked on the Earth two months ago because he was trying to get Stiles' dad fired, but now he has been a lot better, he treats me like his daughter and lord knows I needed one after my dad left and I now have two Sheriff Stilinski and Mr. McCall.

         The point is at least Mr. McCall was trying, for Scott and me and that is all we could really ask.

         “I'll need to do a review at the field office. But I'll be back as soon as I can. I might have to miss the first game of the season.”

         “It's not a big deal.” I assure with a small smile. No need to feel bad.

        “It is to me. I'm keeping my promises this time.” He turns to walk away but he notices my eyes on the bag of bullets and the gun.

        What is it like to take someone's life?

         “What I did, it was necessity. Justifiable. You both know that, right?”

        “Have you done it before?” Scott asks the same question lingering in his mind.

        “Two other times, it's not easy taking a man's life.” I nod.

        What about a monster's?

        “Even someone who forces you to do it.” McCall continues on.

        I look at Mr. McCall. “How do you deal with it?” I ask softly.

        “You look at it logically. Without emotion. You compartmentalize.”

        Just like my dad after Allison.

        “How do you do that?” Scott cuts in.

        “I used to do that by drinking.” He gives a small chuckle. He pulls Scott into a hug and holds his arm out for me. I step into the hug and I hug them both. My arms around both of them. He has his arms around Scott and I. It doesn't feel weird it feels nice to be cared about. He pats us both on the back then let's go. He let's go and gives us a small smile. I smile back.

        “One more thing. When I do come back we need to talk about some stuff. You two and your friends, the way you guys handle things, it doesn't seem to faze you like it should.” I raise a eyebrow at him. “It's like you guys know something I don't.” Scott opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. “When I come back, I'd like to be in the know.”

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