Love and Loss

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We pulled up, Stiles and I not really in the mood to jump out. "You want me to go in with you guys?" Malia asks.

"No, it's okay. It's probably going to take a while." Stiles answers.

She looks out to the window and Stiles looks in the opposite direction, the tension in the car suffocating.

Stiles goes to climb out of the car and I start to follow in suit when Malia asks a question that stops us both in our tracks. "Are you going to tell him about Donovan?"

Stiles shuts his door fully and turns to look back at Malia. "You knew?" I ask from the back seat.

"I guessed. I saw the bite on his shoulder while he was sleeping. And I knew you were together that night." Malia answers to me.

Stiles puts his hand on the shoulder where Donovan bit him. "It didn't matter to me. That's why I never said anything." She points out.

"It matters to us." Stiles answers.

Stiles and Malia lock eyes for a moment then Stiles climbs out of car shutting the door behind him.

"I'm sorry Mal." I mutter then I follow after Stiles.


Sheriff wasn't in his office so we had to go ask a deputy for help.

"Sheriff left half an hour ago. He said he was on his way back." The deputy answers.

I start tugging on my sweatshirt a little bit. Why is it so hot in here?

"Okay, thanks. We'll just wait in his office."

We turn to walk to his office, Stiles puts his hand on my back to guide me to the office.

Stiles and I sat on the couch but the moment we sat down a siren started wailing and everyone began running around outside the door. Stiles and I sprung up and opened the door.

"Somebody hit the fire alarm?"

"Hey check the back?"

Stiles and I looked at each other this isn't good.

Nothing seemed to be burning then I turned my head and saw Parrish with a glossed over look in his eyes as he marched forward ash on his cheeks he was in his trance. I sprinted past Stiles as the other deputies drew their guns. "Wait, wait, wait, don't shoot, don't shoot!" I yelled as I nearly jumped in front of them.

"Get back! Stay out of his way!" Stiles chorused.


We called Theo to come get us with Parrish on the loose and after a body we had to stop him. When we reached Theo Stiles quickly explained what was going on.

Theo raced out to meet us in front of his truck. "Sorry. I got here as fast as I could..."

I got off Theo. "We gotta go. Now. Parrish has got the bodies."

"Okay, wait up, Emily, wait." Theo calls after me.

"Parrish is out and he's got the bodies." Stiles echos as we both start to open the truck doors.

"We've got to find Scott and we've got to tell him." I add.

"Emily!" Theo snaps.

Stiles and I stop and turn to look at him.

"I don't think Scott wants to talk to either of you right now."

"Yeah, thanks, we are very aware of that." I comment to Theo annoyed.

"It doesn't matter. He needs to know about this." Stiles adds.

Stiles reaches for the door again. "Stiles. Scott doesn't want to talk to you. But I think your dad does." Theo holds up Stiles' student ID.

I narrow my eyes at Theo.

Stiles and I step closer to Theo. "Your dad was looking for you Stiles. He found me instead."

"Where is he?" Stiles questions.

Theo holds up the ID. "I covered for you. This was taken care of. If Melissa didn't find it at the hospital, I guess the son of a cop can make mistakes." Theo spits at us.

I watch Theo carefully if he tries to attack. I will put him down.

"Did you hurt him?" Stiles demands.

"I never lied about why I came to Beacon Hills. I'm here for a pack. I came for the werecoyote. The one whose first instinct is to kill. I came for the Banshee, the girl surrounded by death. I came for the dark kitsune, the Beta with anger issues, the girl who grew up to be a hunter but was turned supernatural and whose aunt was a mass murderer.I came for Void Stiles. That's the pack I want! Unfortunately, it doesn't include Scott." I narrowed my eyes at Theo and balled my hands into fists. I will kill him. He smirks. "Your heart beats are rising guys. It's not because you're afraid. Nogitsune is gone, but you've still got more blood on your hands than any of us, Stiles. And for you Emily we all know you're gonna turn any day now."

"I'm about to get more." Stiles threatens.

Theo turns his back to us. "I'll tell you where your dad is, if you promise not to help Scott."

Theo turns back around to get met with by a huge surprise Stiles' fist slamming into his Theo's face.

He goes down but quickly recovers while laughing. "There he is! That's Void Stiles. It felt good, didn't it?"

When Theo gets back up on his feet I send my fist flying into his face knocking him back down this time he doesn't laugh. I kick him hard in the side for good measure and he lets out a groan of pain. He spits blood. "We won't tell Scott. 'Cause you can't lose your best friend, right? Even though we all know, you never needed him."Stiles rushes down and grabs Theo by the collar of his jacket.

"You hate me now but you'll get it eventually. This is the hard part. 'Cause you can't help Scott and save your dad's life. You've still got time."

We let Theo go. We had to save Stiles' father. Scott would be okay he's supernatural he can heal. Sheriff can't.


  We got to the location as fast as we could. He was laying on the ground bleeding out. Stiles and I rushed to him grabbing his hand blood quickly covering Stiles. As I dropped down to my knees I fell forward and caught myself on my hands and I couldn't breathe. I looked up my eyes glowing green and my skin burning. Someone was in trouble and it wasn't just Sheriff Stilinski. 


Hey guys! So I updated again and this is the LAST chapter in this book and I will be starting a new book very soon once I figure out the title so give me suggestions if you have them please! 

So what did you guys think of this book and what are you looking forward to the most in the next one? 

Thank you all for loving my books this far you are all amazing and beautiful people 

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