Walking the Line of Friendship

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Chapter 5


"Emily!" My eyes spring open and I see Stiles standing over me. He pulls me up to my feet and grabs my hand we take off running. "Come on, run!" Stiles orders.

We slow to a stop and we turn and see Donovan is getting up. I don't waste a second. I grab Stiles's hand again and I yank us toward the school both of us running as fast as we can, we thrust the double doors open.

We hear the doors get pushed open shortly after us. An alarm sounds.

We come to a hallway."This way." I order and I turn and Stiles follows after me we run to the library and I pull on the doors it's locked. Stiles notices the key card slot, and slides his student ID into it, we run in the doors shut behind us and we slowly back away from the doors looking around.

The doors bangs again and they are opened. Donovan is inside with us. Stiles grabs my arm and pulls me with him behind some shelves we hide and wait. I have my knife I could fight Donovan and get us out here.

A phone vibrating draws our attention, "You dropped your phone. It's Malia. Should I text her back?" Donovan asks. Stiles dropped his phone when we were running.

"You guys don't really know who I am, do you? Donovan calls out again. We don't answer him. "Maybe you heard about my father. Did your dad tell you about him Stiles? Did Sheriff Stilinski ever tell you about the time he was still deputy and how how his partner got caught in a shoot-out​?Did he tell you a bullet shattered my dad's T-9 vertebra? Went right through his spinal cord? Know what that means? It means everything below his waist is useless. And not just his legs. I bet he told you some of it. But I bet he probably left of the part where he was sitting in a car calling for backup while my dad was going in alone,"

Stiles tenses up. I look at him my own blood boiling, this kid threatened the Sheriff's life and now he's trying to slander Stiles's dad. He's gonna pay.

"Did he tell you that he was too scared, too much of a frightened little bitch to go in after him? Or do scared little bitches not tell their little bitch sons about their failures? About how they put their partner in a wheelchair for the rest of his life?"

Stiles put his fist up by his mouth to stop himself from screaming out. I bit my lip, I watched to the side and saw Donovan had moved. Maybe this was our chance to finally move and get out of here, I nod my head in the direction Donovan walked in to show Stiles. He looks around and then we both slowly move and press our backs against a shelf.

I listen for Donovan, we go to move again when a hand reaches out and grabs Stiles, before he or I could react he's pulled through the bookshelf breaking it.

"Stiles!" I scream. A pile of books fall on Stiles. I unsheathe my dagger I run and stab it into Donovan's shoulder while he still has Stiles on the ground. He yells letting Stiles up and turns to fight me. "Stiles run!" I scream. I elbow Donovan in the face, I bring my knee up and hit him in the chest I grab my other dagger and stab it into his shoulder.

Donovan yells out. He's hunched over holding his stomach. I kick him into the bookshelf, I grab his jacket and throw him down on the ground. While he's down I turn to run and grab Stiles so we can escape but Donovan recovers fast, he grabs me holding me by my throat with the blade of my own dagger against my throat.

"Don't worry Stiles, I'm not gonna hurt her, I'm just gonna slit her throat so you can watch her die."

Stiles stopped mid climb up the scaffolding. I grabbed Donovan's arm that was holding my knife pulling it away from my throat, I head butted him then thrust my elbow into his sternum. Donovan goes down.

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