Chapter 33

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"So, why do you think Hagrid was in the library earlier?" Olivia whispered.

"He was getting a book. Well, that's obvious, but it's not obvious why he even needed the book..." I replied.

We were getting ready to go see Hagrid, and it was getting to be rather late. It probably wasn't the best decision for the whole lot of us to go, especially when only three or four of us could fit under the cloak, but whatever.

"I saw him the other day looking up dragons..." Ron suddenly spoke up.

Harry, Ava, Olivia, Hermione and I all looked at him. There was a moment of silence.

"Dragons? It can't be, Ron, I think you're... confused," Hermione said.

"I swear, I'm not! I saw him checking out a few books on it, and he was in the dragons section earlier in the week."

"We'll see what's up when we get there," I concluded. I got under the cloak with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and Ava and Olivia trailed behind us quietly.

We slowly and quietly made our way to Hagrid's hut, except for when I stepped on a twig, right outside the entrance of the school. Hermione slapped my arm, and Ava scream-whispered, "what is wrong with you?"

Surprisingly, we finally made it. I was shocked that Ava and Olivia had been able to get all the way to Hagrid's without being caught.

Hermione knocked on the door. Around half a minute passed, so Hermione knocked again, louder this time. I heard shuffling from the inside of the hut.

"Who is it?" Hagrid finally called, sounding a bit nervous.

"Hagrid! Let us in, it's just us!" Harry said.

The door swung open, and Hagrid motioned for us to come in with his large hand.

"Quickly, you lot!"

We rushed in hurriedly, and Hagrid swung the door shut frantically right after the last one of us was in, which was Ava.

"It's so hot in here, Hagrid! I think I'm gonna die!" I complained, falling backwards to be caught by Olivia.

Hagrid glanced around at us anxiously.

"Sit down, sit down. Would yer' like any stout sandwiches or tea? I 'ave plenty..."

"No thank you, Hagrid. I think we'll just have some tea, right?" Hermione said, looking around at us.

Harry, Ava, Olivia, Ron and I all nodded.

"Alrigh', I'll be back in few minutes," Hagrid said shakily, and headed into his kitchen to go start the tea.

"Are we being straight forward with this, or not?" Ron asked.

"Well, I have another question too, other than why he was in the library," Harry said.

"Which is?" Ava said.

"I want to ask him what else is guarding the Sorcerer's Stone, other than fluffy," Harry said.

"Right, ask that, then we'll see how things go about. The Sorcerer's Stone is more important than why he was in the library, anyways," Hermione said.

"He's not gonna tell us, you know," Olivia said.

"It's worth a shot." I finished our conversation, right as Hagrid came back into the room with seven cups and a teapot.

"Thank you, Hagrid," Hermione smiled politely.

Hagrid poured us our tea, then started talking.

"So, yer' came here ter' ask me somethin'?" Hagrid asked, taking a sip of tea, which was basically the whole cup.

"Yes," Harry and I chorused, unintentionally. He glared at me, so I shut up, letting him continue.

"We were wondering if you could tell us what was guarding the Sorcerer's Stone, other than the dog, er, Fluffy," Harry said.

Hagrid hesitated.

"O' course I can't! One, I don't know meself. Two, yer' know too much already. The Stone was moved ter' Hogwarts for a reason, so that it wouldn't be stolen from Gringotts," he said.

He didn't even realize he had just given us more information. I glanced at Ava, Olivia, Hermione, and Ron, and Olivia motioned for me to shut up.

"Beats me how yer even know about Fluffy!" Hagrid continued, looking a bit stressed.

"Come on, Hagrid! I know you don't wanna tell us," Ava paused. "But you know everything that happens around this old place! So don't say you don't know, because you do."

"We only are wondering who is doing the guarding, really," Hermione said, even though that wasn't exactly true. "Who does Dumbledore trust enough, other than you?"

Hagrid gulped a bit.

"Well, I s'pose it couldn't hurt anyone if I told yer that..." Hagrid mumbled. "Let's see... Dumbledore borrowed Fluffy 'rom me... Some teachers did some 'nchantments... Professor Sprout, Flitwick, McGonagall, Quirrell, Dumbledore did some 'imself, o' course... Wait, I've forgotten somebody... oh yeah, and Snape."

"Snape?" just about all of us gasped, looking at each other.

"That couldn't be! He's the one stealing the stone!" I exclaimed, very confused.

"Snape's not taking the Stone, he's helpin' to guard it!" Hagrid said.

There was a momentary pause.

"You're the only one who knows how to get past Fluffy, aren't you, Hagrid?" Hermione asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yep!" Hagrid said, very proudly.

"Hagrid, open a window! I'm dying in here! I've held it in for as long as I can!" I dramatically slid off of my chair and plopped on the ground.

Hagrid chuckled, shaking his head.

"Can't, sorry," he said.

"What's that, Hagrid?" Harry asked, pointing at the fireplace.

In the very heart of the fire, was a humongous, black egg.

"Er... That's nothin'!" Hagrid said, and fiddled around with his hands nervously.

"Hagrid! That's a dragon egg!" Ron exclaimed, looking at the egg in disbelief.

"Are you serious? Aren't those... illegal?" Ava asked, jumping up to look at it.

"Where'd you get it?" Hermione asked disapprovingly.

"Won it, las' night. Had some drinks, and got into a game o' cards with a stranger..." Hagrid said, once again, very proudly.

"Sounds safe," I snorted.

"Hagrid, you do realize you live in a wooden house, don't you?" Olivia asked him, looking flabbergasted. Hehe, I used an old person word.

We all looked at each other, a bit terrified.

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now