Not The Best Feeling

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Leah's POV:

I woke up from a bright light shining in my face. I thought it was the sun, but it wasn't. I sat up and looked around only to find the bed empty. I guess that's why I was a little cold, Harry wasn't here. I looked around the room and found the source of the light. The bathroom. I figured Harry was just using the toilet so I went to lay back down, then I heard a gagging noise. I shot up out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. When I swung the door open I found Harry leaning over the toilet bowl emptying all the contents out of his stomach. I walked over to him and rubbed his back. He was sweaty. Once he was finished I handed him a wet rag to wash his mouth and face off.

"Sorry to wake you." He grumbled. His voice was low, tiered, and weak sounding.

"No problem." I kissed his head and moved his hair out of his face.

"Well I..." He paused, "I-..." He quickly turned back around and, what little he had left in his stomach, made its way up and out. I kept his hair out of his eyes and began rubbing a cold wash cloth on his back. I guess he had nothing more to get rid of, so he closed the toilet bowl.

"You ok?" I asked washing his sweaty face off.

"I guess." He shrugged his shoulders. I helped him up and over to the bed. I pulled back the covers so he could slip under and I tucked him in.

I got a cold wash cloth and placed it on his forehead then I went to go get some meds to help with upset stomachs.

I went back to the bed with the pills and a glass of water in hand. I got on my knees by Harry's side of the bed. Harry turned on to his side after taking the cloth off his face to take the pills.

"Do you know what caused this?" I asked.

"No I-..." he paused to think. Once realization hit him he groaned and laid back on the bed again putting his arm over his eyes. " Damn those nachos." he mumbled.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I knew you shouldn't have gotten them." I commented.

He just groaned and flopped back on his stomach.

I laughed as I stood up and walked back on my side of the bed. I slipped back under the covers and propped my back against the head board.

Harry shuffled over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist as he placed his head on my stomach. He reminded me of a little boy cuddling with his mother. He looks so innocent lying there.

I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 2:17. Well, since we had to get up and leave the hotel at 7:00, I don't know how much more sleep I would be getting.

I decided to just stay awake and enjoy this moment with Harry.

I gently ran my hands through his soft curly, yet sweaty hair and got all the tangles out and kept it out of his face. As I was doing so he started to snuggle in closer in to my side.

I loved these kind of moments.


I didn't even know I had fallen asleep in till I heard someone barge into my room.


I opened my eyes to find the source of the yelling.

It was Mady.

"Lower your voice." I rubbed my eyes and looked down to the sleeping boy still in the same position I remembered him before I had fallen asleep. His arms around my waist keeping me close with his head on my stomach.

I saw Mady walk into the bathroom and instantly regret it.

"What happened in here?!" She came out holding her breath.

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