All FOUR of us

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"Okay, take your shirt off."

"Excuse me?" I choked on air and Harry laughed.

"Take your shirt off." He crossed his arms waiting for me to do as told.

"Harry I am getting fatter by the minute and we are in the kitchen for crying out loud. I am not stripping for you here." I tried to say in a serious tone but with Harry laughing his head off I couldn't.

"I've told you million's of times before, I don't care how fat you are." He tried to take a few deep breaths to calm down. "So you would stripp for me anywhere but the kitchen?"

"No!" I shrieked. He laughed and walked over to me and gripped the collar of my shirt (Okay, not mine, its one of his flannels).

"I know you are wearing a tank top under this, and all we are going to do is bake some goodies." He said, and as he spoke he started undoing the buttons. "I just want to minimize the laundry load afterwards." He slipped my shirt off then threw it over to the couch.

"What about yours?" I asked as I tugged on his shirt. With out a second thought he pulled it over his head and threw it over to my shirt.

"Mind if I lose the pants too?"

"Do you really have to ask?" I teased back. He smiled at me and stripped his jeans off leaving him in boxer shorts.

"So what are we baking?" I asked. He walked over to the pantry and pulled out two boxes of cupcakes.

"I was thinking cupcakes, and we still have that cookie dough in the fridge." That sounds really good. I bit my lip trying not to smile and scrurried to the fridge to get the cookie dough. "So what do you want to go first?"

"Cookies won't take as long as cupcakes, so cookies!!!" I chanted and started scrambling around the kitchen to gather all the ingrediants.

"Get the chocolate chips, M&M's, and sugar please?" Harry asked and I did just that spreading out everything on the counter.

"You start on the chocolate chips, and I'll get the M&M's."


After the dough was made and in the bowel I started mixing the M&M's in. I have been minding my own business while Harry has been singing, making up some of the weirdest songs. We started to laugh and then I felt something hit my cheek.

I looked at Harry but he was looking down at his bowel still singing about how he loves cookies almost as much as his hair. I shook it off and went back to stirring my dough.

Something hit me again. When I turned to look back at Harry he was turned to face me. My eyes trailed up his body first before looking at his face. He had a smirk on his face and a hand full of chocolate chips.

"Harry, don't waist-" I began to say but he threw another cip and it bounced off my forehead.

"Harry, I'm being serious here." I crossed my arms.

"So am I." He laughed and through another one.

"Do you really want to poke mama bear right now, because that sound like a good idea." I scolded. Harry sighed and just when I thought he was done he threw a hand full.

I shrieked as all the sweet little pellets bounced to the floor, I guess it's my turn. I took a hand ful of the rainbow goodies and threw them as hard as I could at his face.

"Ouch!" He complaned rubbing a hand over his face.

"Awe, do you want me to kiss it?" I mocked in a baby voice. He nodded his head. I just smiled and stuck my tongue out before resuming my baking.


"Okay, all the cookies are in the oven, we can start on the cupcakes now." Harry smiled as he dumped our cookie bowels in the sink and pulled out new ones to make the cupcakes.

"Okay, where is the..." I got that sick bubbling feeling again. "Where is the-I'll be right back." I ran to the down stairs bathroom, locked the door and got down on my knees.

Pregnantcy sucks.

I sat back on my legs with my head in my hands thinking I was done, but apparently not.

Your not done, remember, your getting sick for two now, have fun! I'm sure thats what me stomach is trying to tell me. Piece of crap.

"Babe, you okay? you've been in here for ten minutes" I hear Harry ask from the other side of the door. He jiggles the door knob a little bit then sighs. "Can I come in?"

"No." my voice cracks. "No I'm fine." I said and turned the water on to wash my mouth and face off. Once I was done I opened the door and Harry was there with a concerned look on his face. "You've seen enough of that, it's not that bad." I say. He sighs nodding his head and kissed me on the cheek.

"The cookies are done." He said as we reapproched the kitchen. There were three plates on the counter with at east twelve cookies each.

"Well lets start the cupcakes."


Harry put both of the pans of cupcakes in the oven and set the time. He came back to me wrapped his warm arms around my shoulders and hugged me to him.

I wrapped my arms around his naked torso, running my hands up and down his toned back.

"When are we going to tell them?" He asked referring to the the twins and the others.

"Maybe tomorrow? I know all four of us cant eat all these sweets." He chuckled.

"All four of us." He paused. "Tomorrow sounds good." I nodded my head and closed my eyes. The smell of those cookies are just so tempting.

"I think I want a cookie." I whispered into his chst and I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed.

"Okay, I'll fix one for you." He winked at me before letting me go and walking to the fridge and pulling out chocolate suryp and whip cream. He took the first cookie on top of the M&M stack.

What is he going to do to my cookie?!

He poured some of the chocolate on top of it then topped it off with the whip cream. He picked it up and handed it to me. Some of the chocolate dripped to the floor. I just cleaned it...

"Try it." He urged me. I put it to my mouth and took a bite. Some more chocolate and crumbs fell to the floor.

"Mmm, this is good." I said. Harry laughed. He was laughing so hard that his face was red and his eyes were squeezed shut. "W-what?" I asked. It took Harry a few minutes to calm down before he could speak clearly.

"You have some" He pointed all over his lips and chin. So my face is a mess now?

"Oh my gosh." I muttered and reached for a napkin to clean up but Harry stopped me.

"I got it." He whispered as he pulled my face to his and kissed my lips. He outlined my lips with the tip of his tounge before sucking on my top lip then my bottom and pulled away.

"All gone?" I smirked

"Don't think so." He smiled and kissed me again.

((Okay, I know this chapter kind of sucks, I just had writers block. The next chapter should be way better and give a little more information about some things lol. Well thanks your reading. Can we get a few votes on this chapter?))

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