Are You Serious?

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Louis's POV:

I was showing Mady where all the hot spots in town were and where all the good eating places were.

I had shown her most of the attractons that were in walking distance, and now we were setteling down in a nearby park.

There were a few kids out kicking around a ball, and there was a guy on the other side of the park with a book in his hands.

"So what do you think of the town?" I asked Mady.

"Yeah, its beautiful." She said in awe. When we came to a open wooden bench I pulled her down to sit.

We sat there for a few minutes just watchig the little children run and play.

"Can you believe Leah's child is going to be out there in a few years?" Mady commented. I nodded even though I dont think she saw me with her eyes glued to the kids.

"Yeah," I sighed. "Mady can I ask you something?"

"Of course." she said and turned her head to me.

"How do you feel about Niall and Avery?" I bit my lip.

"I guess you don't believe me either," she sighed, "I'm glad he is happy, I know Avery is too, and that's all that matters. They're cute together anyway."

"I never said I didn't believe you." I smirked at her, "I meant you know are you um..." I didnt know how to say it with out sounding too hopeful.

"Am I over him? Yes, do I still think of him as a close friend? Yes." she confirmed.

"Leah, I like you." I blurted out. Once the words left my mouth I wanted to take them back, but it was too late.

"Well, I like you too." She blushed, or it was just the cold wind, but nevertheless her cheeks were tinted pink.

"More than a friend?" I mumbled.

she bit her lip and nodded, "Yeah." I noticed we were both leaning in little by little, like magnets being attracted.

"How much more?"

"A lot." we were now only inches apart. I leaned in a little closer to where our lips barely grazed each other.

"Prove it." I whispered aginst her lips, and the fireworks flew. She smashed her lips to mine, while I grabbed her face in my hands.

We both pulled back out of breath, our foreheads pressed together. I grabbed her hand in mine running my thumb over the back of it a few times.

"Mady?" I whispered.


"be my girlfriend." It wasnt a question, it was a statement. She sighed and nodded her head before pecking my lips once again.

"Of course." I smiled against her lips and pulled away so I could look at her dazzling hazle eyes.

"Stay at my place, at least untill we all have to leave, then I can take you back to Harry's." I pleaded. Which she quickly agreed to.

"I think we left the two love birds alone long enough, we probably need to head back." She suggested, so I stood from the bench, and helped her up. I never let go of her hand.

"You want to get some ice cream on the way back?" I know it was cold out, but its never the wrong time for ice cream.

"Mm, that sounds good." she smiled, and I smiled back.

"What's your favorite kind?"

"ummm...cookie dough." she beamed and I laughed.

"Oh no way! I think mint beats all."

"Totally not!" she argued back.

And that went on all the way to the ice cream shop, and then all the way home.


(616 Words) crappy i know. It's really really crapy. and its just a filler so stay tuned for BETTER updates! So now Louis is taken as well, 5/5. Ok, i wil be skipping a few weeks during her pregnancy because i really dont think you want to read millions of boreing chapters lol sorryy there are spelling errors, im tying with one hand lol

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