Enjoy the View

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Call us crazy, but we decided to go to a near by waterpark, before it closes for winter, to waste the rest of our day.

Harry had picked out a galaxy print bathing suit of mine claiming that it was his second favorite. Once we were all gathered in the kitchen we went over our little checklist. Niall decided to take a few more bags of chips and once he was satisfied, we headed outside.

 We all climbed in the car, me in the drivers seat, and swung by Avery's house to pick her up.

"Hey." I smiled as she climbed into the car next to Niall. He slung his arm over her shoulder and kissed her head. They were really cute together.

"Ready to go." I smiled at her through the mirror.

"Yeah, lets go!" she laughed. I put the car in drive and headed on down the road. I felt Harry place a comforting hand on my leg and squeeze it gently. He was about to say something when Louis shouted something from the back.

"Damn you flappy bird!" I looked back and he had his phone clutched in his hands.

"What's your best?" Niall asked.

"Seven." Louis whispered. I heard Niall laugh.

"Mines eight." He gloated.

"Well, mine is fourteen so you two bozos can keep laughing." Harry smiled smugly ahead of him as the loud laughing died down.

"It's only fourteen because I played it for you." I scolded and he gasped.

"But no one has to know that."


Once we got there Harry stripped off his shirt and stuffed it in our little blue locker. The others took the rest of the four lockers on the side of ours. I slipped my shorts and shirt off and stuffed right in front of Harry's. We all split up agreeing to meet back here in about five hours. As everyone departed from the lockers Harry grabbed my hand.

"Where do you want to go first?" He asked as we walked around aimlessly.

"We should go on that big blue one. The line is short anyway."  I pointed out. He nodded his head as we walked over there hand in hand. Harry grabbed a double tube and slung it over his shoulder hitting his own head in the process.

"Watch out there is a head there." I teased. He looked down at me and rolled his eyes.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." He said in a robotic tone.

"I know right, I'm hilarious." I exaggerated the last word. Harry just chuckled and looked down at the stairs as we started up.

When we got to the top there was a girl with a high bun and red one piece and black shades.

"You two ready?" she asked in pretty energetic voice. She grabbed the tube and placed it on the slide, holding it in place so it doesn't slide down. "Lightest in front, heaviest in the back." She instructed.

I climbed into the front while Harry occupied the back. He slipped his legs under my arms and leaned back. "You guys ready?" the girl asked. We both nodded and she pushed us off.

We weren't even completely down the first little drop before the screaming started.

Harry started screaming like a little girl every time the tube went up the side of the slide. I threw my hands up and screamed along with him. The ride was pretty smooth until we got to a part that was totally dark. I dropped my arms and my hands clung to Harry's ankles. I heard him laugh.

"You okay?" he shouted over the swooshing of the tube against the water and bottom of the slide.

I didn't verbally answer him so instead I just pulled on one of his leg hairs and I felt him flinch and mumbled a quiet 'ouch'. I laughed, and we were soon exposed to the light.

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