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Harry and I had the house to ourselves again this morning. Mady had text me last night telling me that she was going to stay at Louis place. When I asked her why she told me he asked her to be his girlfriend, then Harry and I may or may not have done a little happy dance. Anyway, they never even came back to Harry's house so I just assumed they walked to Louis house. It was just down the street anyway so I don't see why not.

"Hey Leah, we have to go into the studio today, till like three at least, is that okay?" Harry looked up from his phone and looked at me.

"Yeah." I answered taking the milk from the refrigerator to pour a glass.

"You sure, because I can always come back earlier if you want." Harry stressed.

I laughed, "Yes Harry I'm sure. Besides, I'm sure Gemma would love to take us girls shopping."

"True. Well, I'm going to go get ready." Harry came around and kissed me before bounding up the steps to his room.

I text Gemma asking her if she would like to go out and shop. It didn't even take her five seconds to answer back with a 'UM TOTALLY BE THERE IN 20!!!" I was caught off guard when there was a knock on the door.

"Open up!" Louis shouted from outside. I skipped over to the door opening it with a smile and then dropped it.

"Oh it's you." I said and tried to shut the door but Louis stopped it with his hand.

"Very funny." he said in a sarcastic tone before barging through the door.

"Yes it was." I smiled triumphantly.

"No, it really wasn't." his tone was serious. I puffed out my bottom lip and crossed arms, just then Harry came walking down the steps.

"Tommo, you messing with my girl?" Harry said in a defensive manner. He came up beside me and put his arm around my waist.

"Nope," Louis smiled at the "intimidating" male in front of him, "just poking at her."

"Hm," Harry didn't sound convinced, "don't do it again, that's my job." he said and started poking my sides making me squeal.

"Okay, okay. Enough!" I shouted, "don't you boys need to be getting somewhere?"

"Oh your right, I'll text you when I can," Harry leaned down and kissed my lips, "love you."

"Love you too." I smiled and I followed them to the door.

"Bye love." Louis said and kissed Mady on the lips as well. I made sure to shut and lock the door once the boys were out.

"You two are so cute!" I squealed at Mady, causing her cheeks turned a bright red.

"Yeah yeah, okay. I'll text Perrie and Danielle and see if they are busy. Why don't you text Avery?" she dug her phone out of her pocket and searching for Danielle and Perrie's contact. I pulled up my messages and sent a quick text to Avery. She replied a few minutes later saying she didn't feel well, that being in a new place has made her feel a little home sick already.

"Gemma said she would be over-" I was interrupted by another knock on the door, "Now." I walked over to the door and answered it, and of course the blue haired beauty was standing there.

"Hello." I said and welcomed her in.

"Hey, so who all is coming?" She asked.

"Mady for sure and I think she asked Perrie and Danielle, but I'm not sure." I led her to the kitchen and she placed her bag on the counter.

"Hey, Gemma. I think Danielle is on her way, Perrie has to get back on the road for a bit with the girls." Mady sighed, "So it's just us."

There was soon a knock on the door and Mady went to answer it, "Will that was fast." I heard her say. I'm guessing Danielle was here.

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