Tiny Problem

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When I woke up, Harry wasn't in bed. When I walked down the stairs he wasn't there either. I called his name and he didn't answer. He didn't even leave a note. I called and texed him before I took a shower this morning, and he still didn't answer. Ohhhhh that boy is in trouble!

I am now seated at the table with my favorite book in front of me and a cup of coffee in my hand. It's almost 9 in the morning and I haven't heard from Harry. I pulled my phone out and texted him again.

"If you don't get home or at least in form me of where you are in the next 10 minutes, you are sleeping on the floor tonight!!" I would have said couch but to be honest the couch is almost as comfortable as the bed. I might as well text the other eight while I have my phone out.

"Hey, peeps, why don't we have a get together to day over here, we got some more news!!!! And save room for some sweets, because we have a lot! :)"

I placed my phone on the table and went back to reading. I took a sip from my coffee and turned the page just as my phone began to ring. Harry's name flashed across the screen. I went to answer it but he hung up too quickly.

"Really Harry?!" I shouted into the empty house. Just then I heard a car. That better be him.

The front door opened and I heard his boots scuff against the floor. He walked over and kissed my cheek.

"Hey babe." He sounded out of breath. He can not just leave me alone all morning and just 'Hey babe' me.

"Where the hell have you been? Is you phone not working, oh wait yeah it is you just called me and then hung up why would you-" my rant was cut short when a paper was place in front of me.

"Sign that."

"You expect me to just sign something you throw at me after you wouldn't answer me this whole morning and didn't leave a note or anything?! What if I went in to labor and you wouldn't answer you phone huh? what would you have done then Mr. Harry 'I don't need to answer my cell phone' Styles?" I was out of breath and my face was hot. Harry was trying not to laugh, that was obvious. We walked back over to me and grabbed my face.

"Stop being hysterical. You and I both know there is no chance of you going into labor anytime soon. But your right, I should have answered you or left a note or something. I'm sorry. Just read over the paper and sign it. Unless you don't want to of course." he smirked and kissed my lips before he went to sit in the chair across from me.

I narrowed my eyes at him before turning the piece of paper over to read it.

'MARRIAGE LICENSE' was printed at the top.

"What?" I was speechless.

"Well something was brought to my attention yesterday, and I was thinking about it all night. So I made a quick trip to Cheshire at five this morning to talk to Mum and Robin. I even texted your parents. Then I went to get the papers done." He smiled. He was pretty proud of himself while I sat there not knowing what to do. "So what do you say?" he passes me a pen.

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