Families in Town

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Harry's POV:

I woke up before Leah, and I decided to let her sleep, so I didn't wake her up. I placed a kiss on her head and quietly walked out of the room, and down the stairs. I was half way down and I heard the clash of glass against wood. I jumped down the remainder of the stairs and rushed to the kitchen.

"What happened?" I asked. I saw Louis frozen in place and from how he was standing I'm assumng he is the one that dropped the plate. Mady was up on the counter and her eyes were wide. I noticed she was only wearing a shirt. The shirt Louis was wearing last night. And what do you know, he was shirtless.

"It slipped?" Louis answered. I sighed and helped him pick it up. Mady started to get off the counter, but Louis stopped her.

"Stay there," he pointed, "I don't want you to cut your self." She rolled her eyes and muttered a small 'fine' and settled back on the counter. Luckily the plate didn't shatter into a thousands pieces, there might have been five pieces? Once we were done, and had disposed off all the glass in the wast bin, Louis helped Mady off the counter and told her she might want to go put pants on. Once she was up the stairs, I turned to Louis.

"Did you sleep together?" He looked a little caught off guard but quickly composed himself.

"I don't know what your talking about." he stumbled through his sentence.

"Louis, spill it." He sighed and started his story.

Louis's pov

I heard a pair of feet walk up the stairs, and two female voices in the kitchen. Mady and Leah. I heard Leah ask Mady about moving to London, and I nearly choked on air. If Mady moves to London, I will jump for joy!

"Well if they would, i think it would be great to move." I eyes widened and pumped my fist in the air. Mady brought up something about telling their parents,blah blah blah. I didn't really care. Just thinking about Mady living closer, that made my heart flutter.

"Well I'm gonna head up stairs, na night." I heard Leah say.

"I'm gonna stay down here, good night." Mady said and I heard Leah skip up the step and go into her room. Once I thought the coast was completely clear I walked out of the hall way and into the kitchen with Mady. She nodded her head with a glass of water against her lips.

"Hey." I greeted and walked to the fridge and pulled some juice out, poring it into a small glass. "How long are you going to be down here?"

She shrugged, "I'm not sure, not much longer." she sighed.

"Well, do you mind if I dim the lights? I'm kind of tired." I pointed to the light switch. She took the glass away from her lips and shook her head.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that." She took a deep breath and I crossed my arms over my chest, "I know that couch makes your back feel like hell in the morning, so why don't you sleep in my room?" When I didn't answer she stifled a laugh, "I'm sure I sound like a slut inviting two of you guys up to my room in the past week." She quietly muttered. I smiled and looked down.

"I'd like that, thanks." She blushed and looked at me before dumping the rest of her water out in the sink and put the glass down before walking to the stairs. I followed behind mentally thanked God. When we got to her room, I quietly shut the door behind us and stood awkwardly at the foot of the bed.

"Do you have any extra blankets in here? I can make a palate on the floor." I suggested.

"You don't-"

"I don't want to make you feel weird." I cut her off.

"I won't feel weird, its ok really." She nodded her head and looked down at the ground. I walked over to her and grabbed her chin making her look in my eyes.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She slowly nodded her head and I dropped my touch from her face. We stared there lost in each others eyes.

I felt my self lean in, I couldn't think clearly, but I knew what I wanted. Our foreheads were pressed together and our lips were less than a centimeter apart, and I stopped. I don't know why I was doing this, all I know is that I really really wanted this.

I could feel her sweet breath fan across my face and her eyes fluttered. Suddenly I didn't care any more as I smash our lips together. I didn't feel her object to the sudden movement, because she tangled her fingers in my hair. Her nails slightly scrapped against my scalp and it took all I had not to moan out in pleaser. I felt her hands travel from my hair, down my back, and to the hem of my shirt. I took a small step back and pulled it over my head and set it on the bed before stepping forward and connecting our lips once again. I brought my hands to the front of her blouse and starting unbuttoning it from the top. when I finally got to the last button and places my hands on her exposed waist, she pulled back out of my reach and wrapped her arms around herself.

"W-we can't do this. Not n-now." She wouldn't look at me, just at the ground. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that." I said and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Trust me, I've been waiting for that for a while now, and it wasn't bad." I saw a tiny smile on her face. "But I need to go change." I saw her glance up at me before swiping my shirt off the bed, hugging it to her chest and walking to the bathroom.

Harry's POV:

"Wow." was all I said after he finished up with his sory about last night. He tried to hide a smile, but ended up failing. When we heard feet padder down the stairs we both diverted our gaze to the stairs and Mady walking over to us, still in Louis shirt and in a pair of shorts.

"Danielle texted me while I was up there and said they are already up and out. Apparently Liam had planned something." she shrugged.

"Do you know if Leah is still sleeping?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"I didn't hear anything, so I assume she is." I nodded and there was a moment of silence.

And then the doorbell rang.

Louis and Mady looked confusedand I'm guessing I did too as I walked over to answer the door. When I opened it a woman and man were standing there with a pink baby carrier on the womans arm.

It was Leah's parents.

"Hi, Ross, Cindy." I noddedd smiled.

"Oh, Harry, how have you been?" She said as I ushered them in and to the couch.

"I've been good, how are you?" I asked as Leah's mom and dad took a seat onte couch setting the baby carrier on the floor.

"Good, we just felt like flying in and surprising Leah." Ross smiled. Well, I'm suprised so I'm sure Leah will be too.

"Well I'm sure she will be thrilled. Last time I checked, she was asleep but I'll go check on her again." I smiled and departed from the room and jogged up the stairs. When I walked in, I noticed the covers the bed were pulled back and the bed was empty. I walked over to the rest room and saw Leah hunched over the toilet. I walked over to her and helped her with her hair, rubbing her back.

"Thanks." She mumbled and stood from the floor wiping her mouth.

"I hope you dont mind, but your mom and dad are here." I said and her eyes went wide.

"Like here? In the house?" she asked. I nodded and her eyes went even wider. Her face paled and next thing I know she was back down on her knees, heaving into the toilet.


Sorry this is kinda short, hope you are enjoying, and share it with your friends. And yes the italicized words is Louis' flashback from that night.

 (1397 words)

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