The Cravings Start

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Leah's POV:

I woke up to the smell of popcorn filling the house. I assumed Harry was up and decided on some early morning popcorn, but when I rolled over to my other side I hit something. I opened my eyes, and there was Harry, sound asleep.

I sat up and stretched my arms out. When I stood from the bed Harry let out a small groan.

Where was that smell coming from? I went down stairs and straight to the kitchen. I smelled the buttery aroma fill the air but I still couldn't find the original source. I walked between the microwave and the trash. Bingo!

I looked in the waste bin and found an empty popcorn bag. I guess Harry woke up in the middle of the night looking for a snack.

I walked over to the pantry scanning it over for the popcorn box. My eyes looked over every shelf about three times before I found the box behind a jar of peanut butter.

Hm, peanut butter. Sounds interesting.

I threw the brown bag into the microwave and started it up. I went back to the pantry to grab the jar of peanut butter and taste it. It seemed to be freshly opened, and it tasted just fine. Just then the microwave went off telling me to get the bag out, which I did and burnt myself in the process of doing so.

I opened the bag, letting the steam clear out, and then threw a handful of the buttery goodness in my mouth. It tasted different, but a good different, a really good different. Then I realized I still had the taste of peanut butter in my mouth.

I took a spoon full of peanut butter and then scooped some it on a piece of popcorn, throwing it in my mouth.

It. Was. Amazing!!

One after the other, I threw pieces in my mouth. I heard light footsteps come down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Leah? What are you doing up? It's 7:30." Harry's spoke coming around the corner rubbing his eyes.

"I was just a little hungry." I mumbled with a mouth full of food. Harry came up to me and took me in his arms, until he saw what I was eating.

"Is that peanut butter and popcorn?"

"Yes?" I said hesitantly.

He shook his head confused, "Why?"

"I'm not really sure, they both just smelt good." I shrugged.

He chuckled, "I guess the cravings start now?" I just blushed and shrugged again. He leaned down and pecked my lips.


Avery's POV:

I walked back to Niall's room from the restroom in one of his dark blue shirts and my hot pink under ware, which Niall had mentioned earlier he "just loved".

I walked into the room and jumped on the bed, landing right beside Niall, waking him up. He let out a groan and then turned to face me.

"Good Morning." He smiled lazily at me.

"Morning." I kissed his nose and he hummed in satisfaction.

"Can you believe you have already been over here for over a week?" Niall asked. I nodded.

"Crazy right? I wouldn't have lasted this long if it weren't for you and the girls." He smiled and pulled me two him. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

"Avery?" he asked and I hummed in response, "if I told you I loved you right now, would you think that's weird?" My heart skipped a beat and I looked up at him.

"Why would It be weird?"

"I don't know,"he shrugged his shoulders, "We've only been together for a couple weeks now-"

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