I Really Really Like You

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Niall's POV:

I had talked to Avery about going out tonight and she was quick to agree. She told me she would drive to Mady and Leah's to pick me up since she knew I didn't have a car and I didn't feel like asking Mady for hers.

I saw Avery pull up into the driveway, so I said bye to everyone and walked out the front door. She hopped out of her side and walked around to meet me and threw her arms around me. That kind of caught me off guard, but I liked it.

"Hey." She smiled and hugged my neck.

"Hey." I smiled back and hugged her waist. Have I ever mentioned she smelled like watermelon? I never thought I would like the smell, but on her it was amazing.

She pulled away from me and I looked her up and down. She had on, what looked like, a baby blue dress with a black leather jacket over it. I noticed she looked a little taller and when I looked down she was wearing at least two inch heels.

"You look amazing." I commented. She blushed and a piece of her curled hair fell in her face. I pushed it back behind her ear and she looked up.

"Thanks." I smiled and nodded.

"Should we get going?" I asked and she nodded. I climbed in her tiny car and strapped in as she started off down the road.

"So what are we doing?" she asked as we turned the corner.

"Well, I found this restaurant and I made reservations for us." I explained.

"You made reservations, or Mady did?" She laughed. Seems like she knows me better than I thought.

"Ugh. Mady did. I had to ask for her help because I didn't know what you would want." I shamefully admitted.

"I eat anything, and everything." She laughed again, "So you could pick anything and I'd be perfectly happy with it." She smiled over at me and then looked back to the road.

"There it is." I pointed in front of us at the medium sized building suppose to be the best restaurant in the area.

"I've always wanted to try this place, but none of my friends could afford it." she told me as she parked the car. I hopped out and rushed to her side opening the door for her. She smiled at me when I offered her to take my arm, which she did without a second thought.

We walked in and up to the lady behind the counter.

"Hello what's the name?" she looked back and forth between Avery and I till someone talked.

"Horan." I said. She looked down the list until she found our name and marked through it.

"Right this way." she smiled at us and led us through the middle of the building and out the back door to the patio. "Is this okay?" she asked as we stood in front of a table set for two.

"Perfect." I smiled at her as she sat our menus down, but I stopped her, "We wont be needing menus, thank you though." She nodded collecting them in her hands again and walked back out the way she came. I helped Avery into her chair which earned a quiet thank you and she brought all of her hair over one shoulder.

"What do you mean we won't be needing menus?" Avery asked.

I smirked leaning forward and folding my hands together, "Mady might have made the reservations, but I worked out a special menu just for us." I winked. The smile on her face grew even bigger.

"Wow, Niall. This is...this is amazing." She looked around at all the lights strung above our heads and out at the rose bushes on the inside of the small fence.

She was stunning.

"Hello." a gruff voice cut through my thoughts. We both turned our heads to the side and saw one of the lead chefs. "I'm Alberto and I will be preparing and serving your meal. Would you like the appetizers now?"

Not As PlannedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя