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Leah's POV:

I woke up to an empty bed and quiet room. I don't know where Harry is, and the house almost seems too quiet.

I walked down the stairs and saw Harry leaning against the counter, head down, coffee mug in hand. When he heard me his head popped up and he smiled.

"Hey babe." he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head, "How did you sleep?" He ran his hand over my hair taiming the fly aways.

"Pretty good?" I giggled, "How did you sleep?" I asked. He was acting a little weird, not too weird, just enough for me to notice.

"I woke up a few times." He shrugged. I nodded and went over to the fridge to get some juice.

"So I heard you went out with Louis yesterday, how was that?" Harry asked, I snorted.

"You heard? Your the one that sent him over apparently." I laughed and he just shrugged.

"True, but how was it?"

"Well, we only went to Starbucks and that pet store." I answered.

"That puppy was seriously the cutes animal I have ever seen." He nodded and I smiled.

"Me too. I dont see how anyone couldn't want him." I frowned.

"I'm sure they will find him a great home." Harry smiled and kissed my head before walking over to the couch. I finished off my drink and went to join him. I curled up into his side with his arm slung around my shoulders.

"Can I ask you this..abstract question?" Harry said, catching me off guard.

"Of course." I laughed.

"Would you ever want to make us...offical?" That kind of confused me, what did he mean by "official"?

"What do you mean?" I asked. He looked down to think about his answer then he looked back up to explain.

"I mean-" he was cut short by the door bell. I looked over at it, thinking who would come over this morning. It's not like either of us had something important to do. I looked back at Harry and he was looking at his phone.

"I'll go get it." I said and jumped off the couch to go see who our surprise guest was.

When I opened to door there wasn't anybody there, but when I looked down I let out a shriek and covered my mouth with my hands, I can't believe it.

"Who is it?" I heard Harry ask. I couldn't take my eyes off of what was I front if me.

"Harry did you know about this?" I asked turning around to face him. He looked over at me confused and then stood up and walked over to where I was. When he was next to me I faced the door way again and pointed to the ground.

Right on the door mat was a purple fuzzy dog bed and laying in the bed looking up at us was a puppy with a purple sparkly collar, black fur with a few patches of yellow, It was the puppy from the pet store.

I bent down, picking her up in my arms and pulling her to my chest. "Harry did you know about this?"

He just shrugged his shoulders. I laughed, rolling my eyes and walking back over to the couch. I heard Harry shut the door and then he went to put the dog bed in the corner next to the television. He came back over to the couch and handed me an envelop.

"This was under the bed." I took it from his hand, letting the puppy rest on my lap. I opened the envelop and pulled out a folded piece of paper.

"I told you he would find a good home :)" was written on it. A smile found it's way to my face when I realized whose handwriting it was. Louis.

I lifted the puppy up in front of my face to get a better look at her, "I can't be-" I stopped my words when I saw something on the collar that caught my eye. I sat her back down on my lap and unbuckled the collar to slip the object off.

It was a ring.

As I held it between my fingers, I couldn't think of anything to say. I turned to Harry and he was smiling at me. I shook my head trying to think of something.

"What is this?" I finally said. Harry's smile grew bigger as he took the ring from between my fingers and slid down to the ground settling on one knee.

I felt my heart beating erratically, and my eyes began to sting with tears. I couldn't move, and I couldn't speak, I was completely speechless.

Harry took my left hand in both of his and rubbed his thumb over the back, starring at the ground. And then he finally looked over at me.

"Leah, I can't wait to start a family with you but even now I feel like there is this small space in my heart that needs to be filled, and I'm hoping this ring will do it. We are going to be parents in a few months and I feel like you deserve to have this happen the right way." He paused, "Alleah Jade Anderson, will you marry me?"

I let out a watery laugh and blinked my eyes causing a few tears to roll down my face. I opened my mouth to say something, but I could form the words.

"When I mentioned it before you said you wouldn't want to walk down the isle looking like a hippo," I burst out into watery giggles once again, "and you don't have to. We can get the papers done and if you want I'll even go buy a bigger ring." He rambled off , "Later after the baby you can plan the biggest wedding you want and buy the most expensive, biggest, white dress you can find, and I will pay every last penny. Just marry me?" he took a deep breath and waited for me to answer.

I took a few deep breaths before looking him right in the eye, "Yes."

A huge smile broke out on his face, "Yes of course!" I laughed. He took my face between his hands and planted a heavy kiss on my lips.

"I love you so much." he whispered on my lips, resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you too." I whispered back, trying to fight the tears. Harry closed his eyes and took in a shaky breath, I saw a few tears spill down his face too.

As he pulled away I took my thumb and wiped his cheeks. He smiled at me then looked back down at our hands. He took the ring and slowly slipped it on my finger. When he looked back up I was smiling, and so was he.

He kissed the back of my hand and then stood up extending his hand out to me. I took the puppy from my lap and sat it on the wooded floor watching it struggle for a few seconds to get stable on her legs. I then felt Harry pull me in

to him and tilt my head up.

"I can't believe I get to call you Mrs. Styles." he grinned an I laugh.

"That has a nice ring to it." I commented. He leaned down and kissed my lips again.

I wound my arms around his neck and kept him there, savoring this moment. He let out a low playful growl and picked me up by my hips forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist.

He kept his lips locked with mine as he trudged up the stairs. I felt him pin me up against my bed room door, and he pulled away to catch a breath.

"Harry...I don't know if we should..." I started to say but he stopped me.

"Your already pregnant, it can't get any worst." he reasoned. I just shook my head laughing and kissed him again. I felt one I his hand leave my backside to open the door, which he slammed shut once he threw me on the bed.


Okay, next scene should be good *wink wink* lol well I'm not sure if I have already mentioned Leah's full name, but it is Alleah Jade Anderson now. Okay, thanks for reading!! Pic of puppy on the side. (1360 words)

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