A Choice

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Leah's POV:

Last night ended better than I expected. After Harry came back we ended up just laying wrapped in each others arms. When we went to bed Harry ended up falling asleep with his head on my stomach. It made me smile knowing that he really was on board with this.

Once we were up we were notified that we were going to have the house to ourselves while the others went out. Mady said it was her idea because she figured that we needed some alone time.   

Harry was making me breakfast, shirtless might I add. while I sat at the bar looking up random things. Most of it having to do with babies and doctors. I peeked over my laptop to see his standing over the sizzling bacon.

"Oh hey, can you make some hash browns too?" I asked.

"Course. " He smiled and winked before attending to the oven once again. When I was pretty much done on the internet for the morning, I walked over to him to get out the bread for toast.

"One or two?" I turned and flapped two pieces of bread in his face. He laughed showing off his dimples and a mouth full of beautiful white teeth.

"Two." He said and kissed my cheek. I sashayed over to the toaster and put all three pieces in. Before returning back over to Harry. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his back. I could feel his muscles contract with every move he made.

"Watch out, It's hot." He warned as he took the eggs and bacon off the burners. I let go of his waist and walked to the bar cleaning it off to make room for our plates.  Harry made mine placing it in front of me and then when back to fix his. I heard the toaster beep so I hopped up grabbing a small plate to place the golden toast on. I placed it between our place mats and went to retrieve the jelly.

"What kind of jelly?" I asked poking my head around the door.

He pursed his lips and shook his head, "What ever you want." Good choice. I grabbed the grape and went back over to my chair. Harry come up beside me and started digging into his food. I did the same keeping my head down. I don't know how we are ever going to talk about this.

"When did you take the test?" well that's a way to start.

"Yesterday morning." I answered looking over at him, he was already looking at me.

"Does anyone else know?" He looked a little sad. I guess I could understand. It's his child and the possibility of one of his own mates knowing and not telling him would kind of hurt.

"Just Mady. She had to go with me to get the test." I nodded. His face softened, "Did you tell anyone last night?"

He nodded, "Just Louis." then he shoved a fork of eggs into his mouth, "When should we tell the others and our families?"

I shrugged, "I'm not sure. First of all, are you sure your ready for this? I mean with your career and everything." He placed his fork down and wiped his mouth off before turning his chair so he was fully facing me.

"I'm ready for this and I'm going to be right beside you every step of the way."

 I smiled, knowing he really was going to be there, even if he is on the other side of the world on tour, he will be supporting me, us.

 But that smile soon faded. "There are other options though." I mumbled. I glanced at Harry and he was frowning. He sighed and stood up tugging on my hand, telling me to stand along with him. We walked over to the couch and sat down at the same time I did.

"What other options?" He sat so where with one of my hands in his. I was sat facing forward so I didn't have to stare directly at him. "The only other option I can think of is leaving, and I am not leaving you. I would die, before I left you with a baby."

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