Chapter Sixteen

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Tyler's POV: When I noticed were Jessie was heading I got up and ran behind her but I realized it to late and by time I cought up with her she already hit Savannah. couple seconds later BK, Adrianna and the rest of the band ran up behind me "I don't give a rats ass if youre pregnant or not, you're face aint." She  got on top of Savannah an started hitting here over and over again, I grabbed Jessi and got her off of her I pushed her towards BK and Adrianna. Savannah got up and whiped the blood off her lip and came runnning after her, she snuck past me and went after Jesse. pulling her by her hair making her fall on the ground. Savannah, damn for a small her she can fight. I went and grabbed her pulling her off Jesse, "God damn it Tyler f***in let me go. This bitch is gonna get it. She wants to fight then dammit she's gonna get a fight" she was fighting with me to let her go. She tried to pry my arms from around her and she tried to slip through my arms but I held on her tighter. Adrianna and BK started to take Jessi to her car when I heard Jessi and Adrianna start yelling at eachother seconds later they started throwing punches. "God damn, what is it with women tonight" I shook my head and asked Sean or Brian to hold on to Savannah so she wouldn't come after Jesse Brian said yes and I let go of Savannah and surprisingly she didn't go after Jesse. I guess she figured that Adrianna would've taken care of her. 

Savannah POV: "Brian, I'm having sharp pains in my stomach really bad will you please take me to the hospital?" I said crying "Yea sure lets go get in the truck". We got in the truck and headed towards the exit with outstopping to let Tyler know where we were going. We were almost to the hospital when I got a text from him. {where are you going?} {Don't worry about itTyler now leave me alone} {I know you left with Bonds, You are my fiance' I should be able to know where my Fiance' is going} {Tyler, You should of thought about the "My Finace'" thing before you went kissing other tramps}  {Savannah, stop it's done and over with, I was drunk.} {Tyler you're still drunk obv} {No I'm Not! Because of youre stupid ass started that fight with Jesse} {Oh so it's my fault that you and her were kissing, it's MY fault that she came and punched me. Nice to know Tyler Nice to know. Leave me alone.} {I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me where you went} {Home} is all I said.. To make him think about what he did. Granted I shouldn't lie to him but he's the last thing I wanna see right now. I texted Adrianna to tell her where I was going because she texted me before Tyler did. and I told her not to tell Tyler where I'm at. I don't want to see him.

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