Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Maci: Bk and Tyler looked so amazing on stage. I was really gratefull to be able to be back here with my bestfriend. I never imagine it. Rylie's phone rang again, but this time it was a blocked number. I looked at her "Just ignore it" she put her phone back in her pocket and enjoyed the rest of the show. After the boys were done with the show, they came back and we headed to the bus. Rylies phone rang again she ignored it and then it rang like three other times, this time she answered it. "I'll be right back I'm gonna see who this is that keeps calling me" "Do you want me to come with you?" I asked "No, I'll be alright" she said as she headed off the bus.

Rylie: "Hello?" "Mom what's wrong?!?" "Calm Down, tell me what's wrong?" right then, someone grabbed me from behind making me drop my phone, I screamed before they covered my mouth. They dragged me away, as I was kicking, trying to get away. I seen the door to Tyler and BK's bus open, It was Tyler he must of been looking around for me. He must of not seen me, then again it was dark.

Tyler: I came out to check on Rylie, seeming she was out here a pretty long time. I didn't see her anywhere, I walked around the bus, looking for her, I went around twice, not realizing it. People must of thought I was drunk or something. I yelled her name a couple times and she didn't answer. I seen something light up on the ground, I walked over to it, and picked it up. It was Rylie's phone, she had a text from a blocked number. I was a bit confused because I didn't know you could block a number, I decided to open it. It read {Don't bother looking for Rylie, She's mine and will always be mine.} and that was it. I looked around for some kinda sign or clue because I knew then someone kiddnapped her..

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