Chapter Forty - Resposiblities

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Tyler: well it's been a while since I found out about Emliegh and found out that Rylie's pregnant. Life's been so great. Today, we find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Bk and I are done touring with Jake for a couple weeks. He had to cancel a couple shows due to an family emergancy. "You ready to see what you guys are having" The OB/GYN doctor asked. I smiled and nodded "Yes we are." Rylie said excitedly "Okay. this might be cold" the doctor said as she placed the gel on Rylie's stomach. she squirmed a little, I laughed. She and I looked at the screen and I smiled so big when I seen the baby there, on the screen and there was two heartbeats but I assumed one was the babies and the other was Rylie's So I didn't think nothing of it. I grabbed Rylie's hand, bringing it up to my lips I kissed it and held it in my lap "Hmmm," the doctor said.. "I'll be right back I'm going go get another doctor, to see if what I'm seeing it right" she pushed the screen away from her and got up and walked out the door. Rylie started getting worried I could tell by the way she looked at me "Everything is gonna be alrigt babygirl I promise." Both doctors came back in. The one doctor put the thing back on her stomach while the other doctor stood next to him, "Yep.You seen what you thought" he smiled at me walked out and the other doctor sat down. "Congrats you guys are having a boy..." she moved it around some more to get some mesurments and what not.

Rylie: I looked over at Tyler and smile He's getting his boy. I looked back at the screen and was in amazed. "And a girl. You're having twins." "We are what?" Tyler and I both said at the same time. I looked at Tyler again, I mouthed "What are we gonna do with twins." he did the "shh" expression and that meant we would talk about it later. I took my free hand and put it over my face. I was worried but yet I was happy at the same time. The doctor cleaned up the gel off my stomach and I sat up, pulling my shirt over my stomach.. "I'd like to see you in a month from now." "Okay Thank you " I smiled at her and got up, and walked towards the door Tyler grabbed my hand and we walked out. we got out to the truck and he opened my door and waited until I got in and closed it. I started crying a little. He got in and his phone went off he didn't realize I was crying. He answered it "Hey Bro" It must of been bk or his actual brother "Yep, we are out.." "we are having twins" "Yep.." "Our reaction was exactly the same" "Boy and a girl" "Don't know names yet, We haven't got that far yet." "Alright man see you in a few" op it was BK "Sorry about that baby gi..." he looked at me, he must of seen I was crying.. "What's wrong Rylie?" "What is wrong Tyler, Really you have to ask me that?" "yea because you're crying I figured you'd be happy" "Oh I'm happy alright, You know happy that we are having not only one kid but two kids Tyler, TWO..count them ONE.... TWO.." I held up one finger and then two "What are we exactly gonna do with TWO kids, excuse me. wait make that three of them because you have another one of your own by someone else." "well.." "Well what Tyler, seriously.. HOW are WE gonna take care of twins when we can't even take care of ourselfs. and you are in a band that hasn't even got a record deal yet. Who knows if you're gonna make it big." I knew he was mad at me for what I said and  I know I shouldn't of said that but we have two more resposiblities to take care of and tyler has 3 not including me. I was so mad at the fact that, I didn't know what was going on. and we have kids that are gonna need us.. Tyler didn't say a word.. he just started the truck and headed to what we called a home until we got more stuff for our two bedroom apartment. It's the only thing we could afford at the moment. I stared out the window and watched the world go by, I rubbed my belly thinking about our future.

Tyler: we got to our apartment, I got out and walked to the door. I was so mad at the fact that Rylie threw that in my face. How could she even say that. I got a text from Savannah I opened it. {"Hey, Emliegh wants to see her daddy.} I have yet to see her because of me being on tour with Jake {Alright I'll be over there in a few. I need to get air anyways.} I pressed send few seconds later I got another message, as Rylie came into the house {rough day?} {Yes Very} {well I'm here if you wanna talk} {Thanks but I'm good} I pressed send and put my phone down, walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer, grabbing my phone again along with my keys and walked towards the door "Where you going babe" "To get air" is all I said to her with out even looking at her.. I was seriously still mad and she knew it. I opened the door walked out and slammed the door behind me. Got into my truck and headed towards Savannah's. Few mins later. I got there, I downed the second bottle of beer, I had got from the gas station. She and a little girl was playing outside. Savannah got up off the steps and picked up the girl. She didn't look nothing like the picture I was showed. I got out of the truck and walked over to Savannah, "Who's this cutie?" I smiled as asked her. the little girl was so shy she burried her face into Savannah's shoulder. "This is Emliegh" I was a little puzzled at this time the little girl looked at me "She don't look like the picture you showed me." "Yea she does, look she has your eyes and nose" she playfully tapped her nose "Em, this is your daddy" the little girl streched out her arms and leaned towards me I grabbed her and held onto her. I looked a little closer and thought. well she does look a little like me. but I want to make sure before I make any plans to be in this little girls life. "I wanna make sure Savannah, I want to get a DNA test.. Look what you did to me in the past you left me with out any reason. Who knows If you're trying to get me back in your life... and besides I don't want to start coming into this girls life and be a father to her, and come to find out that she's not even mine.."

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