Chapter Twenty-Four

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Tyler: I woke up in a sweat. I looked around and I was in one of the hotel rooms that we got in one of the towns we stopped in while on tour with Jake Owen. "That was crazy as hell" I ran my hand thru my hair and I thought to myself. I looked at the clock it was like 6:25 in the morning and the alarm clock was set to go off at 6:40. I figured I wasn't gonna be able to go back to sleep I'd get up and take a shower and all that good stuff. We had to go for sound check at 7:15. That gave me enough time to do everything I needed to do and then eat something. I got up and my twitter went off It was the girl who's been tweeting me for months trying to get me to notice her saying she was gonna be at the show tonight. I honestly think she's been following our bus because she's tweeted that she's gonna be at our shows since we left Ohio. I've wanted to tweeted to get back to her, but everytime I've went to tweet her back, I've had stuff I had to get done. I thought to myself "hmm well I'll follow her" I clicked follow and sat my phone down on the bed stand and went to take a shower. {ten mins later} I came out with a towel around my waist and grabbed my phone and I noticed that she tweeted me again. [Oh My GOD! Tyler freaking Hubbard followed me! Just made my day even better. Gonna get my "Shine On" at the concert tonight maybe he'll notice me. Yea, right who am I kidding :) <3](yes I know that's more than 140 characters for twitter. but I don't care) I smiled at the tweet and favorited it sat the phone back down and I went and got ready.

Rylie: I was emotionally freaking out because of the fact that Tyler Hubbard followed me and favorited my tweet. My bestfriend and I had bought front row tickets for this concert. We've been following them since they came to our small home town in Ohio. We took our life savings up and got in my silver chevy with a 4 inch lift kit and followed their tour bus.I don't think they've noticed us following them yet, and if they did they haven't said anything about it or called the cops on us I just laughed at myself when Maci came out of the bathroom "Well good morning sleepy head. I was wondering when you were gonna be up." I laughed "Why didn't you wake me up then?" "Oh I don't know. I didn't want you to be a grump. Like you always are when I wake you up" I gave her that look like yeah right. "Well if you woke me up. I wouldn't of been a grump, you wanna know why?" "Why?" I handed her my phone with the connect tab opened on twitter "uh huh This isn't real..Did you screen shot this?" I got up and stood next to her, and clicked on his name "See it says FOLLOWS YOU. I made the tweet and he favorited it." I laughed "OMG That's so fricking cool. Now ask him if we can get meet and greets for tonights show I wanna see that hottie better known as BK." She laughed "Haha, yeah right that boy is probably way to busy to check his twitter" "Hey if you want me to try I'l send him and BK a tweet to see if we can get a pair. You never know" She started to walk away towards the bathroom. "Sure." she said with a laugh. I sent Tyler a dm. Asking him if he could spare a couple of Meet and Greets for tonights show. I wasn't getting my hopes up because I know that he hardly checks Twitter.

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