Chapter 19- Please repeat that?

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Chapter 19- Please repeat That?

I can't believe it. My brothers, a Paris in crime. Ugh. I swear my family is messed up. My sister acts like she hates me and both my brothers are criminals. I never suspected for both of them-

"Rose?" I quickly snapped out of my little daydream. I turned my head towards the voice and found Scarlett, her head poking out. I smiled at her, while she kept a straight face. Ouch.

"Yes? Oh, come in" she rolled her eyes at me before sitting on my desk chair. "Sorry for being rude to you earlier" she said in monotone while typing away on her phone. Not once did she look at me, nonetheless I forgave her. "It's ok" I replied watching her. After those words left my mouth she was up and out of the guest room.

I just wonder how this is going to turn out. I wonder if Connors ok. I miss him so much. I turned my phone on, going through photos we took of each other. I smiled at each one.

'Its ok..We will see three months' my wolf comforted me. Well, tried.

Just then, my phone rang. I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked. I heard a wicked laugh before a rough voice spoke-

"Are you Rose Carter?" The voice asked, my heart started beating fast. I panicked. "Yes" my voice came out shaky instead of confident.

"Is your boyfriend Connor Perez?" He asked again. My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. "Who are you?" I asked in a more confident tone than earlier. The man just laughs before answering. "I'm your worst nightmare". My breath hitched.

Before I could ask anymore questions, he cut me off. "You want your Romeo back? You have to hand over your pack to us before meeting us in Brazil. If you don't make a choice by the end of this month..he will die." Then the call ended.

Great! My plan is ruined. Wait..maybe I can stay here for a limited time. Might work. Then after a few weeks I will leave and talk to both brothers.

I hope it works.

* * *

I sat a their dinner table, everyone was quiet, no one spoke. Everyone was just eating. The only sound made was the forks and spoons meeting with the glass plates.

At times, I caught Scarlett and her dad looking at me. I recognized their scents- all of them are wolves. Good, that means less explaining for me.

"What are you doing here?" Someone spoke, breaking the silence surrounding all of us. I looked up and found that it was the dad who spoke. "I came her for special business sir" I answered. He nodded his head, before nudging his wife. Mother than that, everyone was quiet.

When dinner was over, I excused myself before walking upstairs. The wooden floors creaking as I make my way. As I reach for the door, I stop.

"What are you doing..Scarlett?" I ask turning the knob facing her. I watched as her mouth gaped open, she froze. "U-u-uh..u-um...I-I-I.." She continued to stutter. I laughed, making her close her mouth. I motioned for her to go into my current room.

She dropped her head walking in. As soon as she walked in, I closed the door. Switching the light on. There she sat, on my bed, playing with her fingers. "Why do you hate me?" I asked, eying her. I can tell she was surprised by the way her fidgeting stopped.

"I-it's n-nothing" She said. Not looking up. "Scarlett tell me" I asked eagerly. She shook her head, well I couldn't force her. I just nodded before opening my laptop. I heard footsteps moving in my room. I Looked over my shoulder, Scarlett was moving in the room. Pushing and shoving things. I cleared my throat, catching her attention. She immediately stopped and slowly turned around.

She have me a sheepish smile before dashing out of the room. I stared at the door for a few more seconds before turning my gaze towards my computer.

I need information and I needed it fast.


Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! I hope you guys have enjoyed my book and this chapter! Love you guys! Please continue voting and commenting! :)






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