Chapter 39- The Journey Back Home (Part 3)

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I decided to not delete this book, so... Yeah! :) Love you guys! <3 Heres the chapter! Thank you to the readers <3 You guys don't know how much you guys mean to me!

Chapter 39- The Journey Back Home (Part 3)

"Rose, princess, come on its time to wake up, we are back home" A husky voice whispered in my ear, as warmth shot up my right arm. The tingles making their presence known, as a groan left my lips.

My eyes opening before letting my arm stretch wider than thought, banging on to someone's head... Oops. "Ow! Rose!" A manly voice came from both my left and right. Making me chuckle before yawning and letting my open completely, to a view of seeing Connor and Cameron rubbing their head.

Kissing both on the cheek, I began to stand checking for Seth and Scarlett and guess what I find. Both of them sleeping peacefully... Smiling I made my way to them, looking around the airplane and trying to get a better look of the plane. Wow, its actually... decent. Stopping in-front of Scarlett's and Seth's lane, I began to shake Scarlett. Her response- punch, to which I dodged and let a breath of relieved air.

"I don't wanna...haha, Seth has a bruise on his fa..." Scarlett mumbled laughing. Rolling my eyes I began to violently shake both of them. Eventually, after five to ten minutes, they were both still asleep. At that moment, I decided to call over Connor and Cameron, who were in-fact trying to get down Scarlett's bag. Yep, it was that heavy.

You might be asking- Where is everyone? Well, they all left the areoplane minutes ago and we have been told more than once by the flight attendant to hurry and wake them up. Yep, we were left.

Opening my phone, I decided to look at the alarm sounds and found one in particular. Robot. Putting it on its loudest, I placed it in the middle of both Seth and Scarlett.

30 Minutes Later...

"Seth! Your such an annoying basta- I mean retard!" Scarlett yelled in complete annoyance and anger. Also correcting her words and you might be wondering what had happened earlier. After ten more minutes, we finally got out of that aeroplane. During those moments, we got a free ride home. A man was holding a sign with all of our names on it. Yep and he's actually the one of our gaurds in the pack. The most strongest guard and fighter actually.

That's where we are. Well minus the fact that Scarlett has been trying to get at Seth's throat for the past twenty minutes. So yeah. Our family is a loving family, right?

"Says the red head" Seth replied, rolling his eyes. Scarlett's eyes burning with anger. Uh-oh. "Rose! Connor! Cam! Did you hear that! He called me a red-head! Thats offensive to us and as in us-" Scarlett whined, pointing back at Seth.

However Seth cut her off by saying- "Shut up! No wonder your a virgin!" Seth yelled. After that statement, everyone (by everyone I mean, Cameron, Connor, Scarlett and me) went silent. Seth's comment hanging on a fine piece of thread.

That was until Scarlett grabbed a pair of scissors and cut it, letting it fall. "You have a nerve to say that! At-least I don't sleep around with slutty girls, ninety-nine times!"..

There goes the bomb. After that comment, Seth finally made a good choice for once and shut up. Sighing, I lean my head on to Connor's shoulder. Getting myself comfortable before settling down. staring in to the distance as the pack member remained silent.

* * *

We all hurry through the Wolf Hospital, looking for the numbers- 245 and 246. With panic beating in my heart, I didn't even notice that I was in-fact running. My eyes darting from left to right. Hoping to find those doors. 240.. no, 244, so close...

245 and 256! Bingo..

We decided to split up, half of us visiting each room. Connor, Scarlett and I had decided to take room 245 while Cameron and Seth get 246. Gripping the door, with uncertainty, I exhaled air hoping that it calms me somehow.Finally, opening the door, there lays an unconscious body. My mother's body lay still, her beautiful hair, ruffled with dirt and bits of twigs and sticks.

Her unconscious body, tucked inside a white sheet. An eerie silence filling up the whole room as Scarlett pushed past me, sitting on a chair. Her face drained colour as she sat quietly.

Sigh. I hope she's okay...

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