Chapter 36- Oh No!

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HEY GUYS! I know I updated pretty late. :-/ I was out all of yesterday.. SOOOOO yeah! XD Sorry. But anyways!!




Chapter 36- Oh No!

A minute of silence surrounded both of us, both of us staring into each other's eyes. Connor stared at me a little longer before his lips broke open, his voice gruff and hoarse. My eyes darted towards his lips, watching them move, my ears blocking out his voice. I watched as his lips moved in slow-motion, the urge to kiss him became stronger and stronger. I continued to watch as he waved a hand in my face, bringing me back to reality. Well, more like our own world.

"Angel? Princess? Where are you? Are you okay?," His sweet, smooth and deep voice sang as he continuously waved a hand in my face. I furrowed my eye-brows while swatting his hand away from my face, sticking out my tongue. Yep, I was still childish. Sure, I'm eighteen but there was never a rule about having to mature at a certain age.

He chuckled, pecking my cheek before asking, "So, what were you thinking about?," He asked, his hand lowering, placing themselves on my arms. His intense stare, making holes in the side of my face, as I remained silent. He sighed before lightly placing me down on the bed and getting off, catching my attention, "Where are you going?" I asked, raising an eye-brow as he shuffled around the room, looking for clothing. Since all he wore were simple boxers.

Though, he only wore that, he looked sexy. He stopped once I asked, looking back at me before pointing towards the door. He walked towards me before offering me a hand, lifting me up while bringing his lips towards my ear.

"I seriously want to take you for a round two, that t-shirt just looks so sexy on you. I have to control wolf, it wants to take you so badly and hard", After his confession, I chuckled. My core was already sore from last night and it didn't need to be more sore than it already is.

"Not happening Hun, I love you and all but I still hurt from last night", I replied pushing him away lightly. My hand remaining on his vibrating chest. He wrapped a hand around my waist, bringing me close again.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Though, I love the feeling of both of us being fully mated", he stated, his lips brushing my own, sending a buzz of eagerness into my whole body. His lips placed butterfly kisses down my neck before stopping and snuggling closer towards me. Causing our wolves to howl in pleasure and desire.

"Connor, we have to go downstairs, the other's might suspect something", My pathetic excuse, made him raise an eye-brow before shaking his head in a stubborn way. Rolling my eyes while smiling, I pushed him onto the bed and began to position my hands on his sides. "Oh No! Babe.. You love me right?" He said cautiously, watching my hands as they began to get closer and closer to his skin.

"Of course I do. Now, we can do this the hard way or the easy way... Which one do you want?" I asked, as my hands touched his flesh. His instantly squirmed under me, though, I never moved my hands. Just kept them still.

"Uhm..U-uh..easy! Yes! Easy! We can go down! And eat! Yes! Eat.. and- uh-" He continued to ramble, while I burst out laughing. It was pretty hard to believe that a beta like him, would be scared of little 'ole me. His eyes then stared at my face as I got off of him, walking away.

"Love ya!" I exclaimed over my shoulder as I made my way downstairs. Hearing him mumble something about 'mates' but shrugged it off. Man, I love him. As I made my way to the kitchen, I was greeted with a smell of coffee and bacon. Making my stomach grumble, catching everyone's attention. At the sound of my stomach, I watched as Seth lowered his newspaper, giving me a knowing look. Cameron look up from his phone, taking a whiff of the atmosphere and lastly Scarlett, giving me a wink.

"We all know", Seth said, straightening his papers before giving me a look. "Please tell me you guys used protection? I don't need a niece or nephew yet!" Cameron begged, looking at me with questioning eyes.

I snapped my head towards him with wide eyes. "Of course we did!" I exclaimed shocked at his statement. At that moment, Connor walked through the doors, hugging me from behind looking around at everyone with a confused look.

"Did I miss something?" He asked. Me, Cameron, Scarlett and Seth gave each other looks, before deciding to stay silent. Luckily, he didn't question, only pushed me behind him and walked towards Scarlett, who had a plate full of bacon, eggs and pancakes.

I hated to do this but everyone needed to know. I took a deep breath, before looking around the kitchen that was full of smiles and laughter.

"Hey.. Uh, guys.." I started, "I think its time to meet mum and dad" I made a quick save, hoping they would believe it. And..

They did.

I think?


"We have a mum and Dad?"



Those were the responses, I got from all of them. Surprised by their sudden outburst, I smiled and told them the details, making the laughter and smiles ten times morel louder than they usually were.

"But.." I trailed off, making them all raise their eye-brows in question.

"what?" They asked.

"Theywereattackedbyrougesandsotheyareinhosital" I lowered my head, while taking a big breath. Looking up, I saw no one move. No one spoke. No one had to.

"Say what?"

I sighed. "I said, They were attacked by rouges and so now, they are in hospital" I stated once again, repeating the line, while lowering my head.

"We have to go back" We all stared at Cameron, before glancing at one another, and nodding. Mum, dad, hold on, we're coming home.


HEY GUYS! SOOOO... I know, its pretty late here, and I have to go! Since I have school tomorow and my parents are spazzing me...BUT NONETHELESS!

I LOVE YOU GUYS! Stay awesome! :)





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