Chapter 12 | Accident

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When you arrive at the harbour, you look back to see if anyone managed to follow you. No one seemed to be able to get through Shushu, so you relax for a moment and pant.

Running around the whole time sure is exhausting. My stamina is the worst.

"Is this your boat?" Luffy asks Nami.

You look at the noticeably bigger boat anchored next to the one you were riding in.

"It's a lot bigger, how nice," you say.

"I stole it from a bunch of stupid pirates," Nami replies.

Suddenly, two figures pop up from behind the rim of the boat. You squint at their sight, thinking you've seen them from somewhere, but you can't figure out where.

"We have been waiting for you, thief!" one of them yells.

"You know them?" Luffy looks at the navigator.

"We have a long history!" They walk up to us. "So you have a gang now? I guess we get to teach you all a lesson."

You can't shake the feeling that you've seen those guys before. After a minute, something in your brain clicked.

"Ah, you're the ones from earlier! Then the girl who predicted the weather was you? That's awesome!" Your words come flying out of your mouth as you finally realise.

The underlings look in the direction your voice came from and jump back. "T-The girl with the guns, who always appears out of nowhere!" they point at you and shriek. "That means this fellow must be..."

Zoro, who has been carried by Luffy raises his head and glares at them. "Huh?!"

They jump back even further and in the end they swim away screaming, fleeing from you.

"Were we that scary?" You scratch your cheek.

Luffy places Zoro into the smaller boat, which you have been using earlier and you step into that one as well. Nami puts down the treasure-bag and sets up the bigger boat.

Just when you are prepared to leave, the village chief runs up to the dock. He pants for a while, then looks at you smiling and crying at the same time. "I'm sorry! I really owe you one!" he shouts after you.

"Don't worry about it! Just live happily!" Luffy shouts back.

Looking at the chief's face you just had to grin. You wave him goodbye until he becomes so small that you couldn't see him anymore. You turn around and sit down cross-legged, ready to let loose for a while.

"Say Y/N, where's the bag with half of the treasure?" Nami leans closer to you with a smile plastered on her face, but it's strangely intimidating. The memory of the bag hit you. Looking away, you try to avoid her gaze while letting out an awkward laugh.

"Don't tell me you forgot it!" She raises her voice, making you flinch slightly.

"Hahahaha, it's okay! They will need the money to repair their village," Luffy says.

"What's okay?! That's my treasure!" She grabs Luffy and threatens to push him off the boat.

"Stop it! I can't swim!"

Zoro is laughing at the commotion and you start to laugh with him, relieved that you got away.

After the bickering stopped and the laughter died out, everyone went into a relaxed state. You could see the others were about to fall asleep and you wanted to do the same. When you are about to lie down, Nami peeks over to you from the other boat.

"Y/N, don't you want to come over and sleep on this boat?" she asks.

"Sure," you briefly reply and stand up to make your way over. Just when you step on the rim, about to take another step to cross the small gap between the two boats, a fairly big wave crashes against them, making you stride into nothingness and plunge directly into the sea.

Everyone yanks up from the splash.

"This is bad, she will sink!" Zoro calls out.

"She can't swim?" Nami asks.

"Is she not a Devil's Fruit user? Earlier she healed my wound and there was also some kind of teleportation involved."

"That's crazy!" she exclaims.

Without thinking, Luffy jumps after you into the ocean.

"What is he doing?!" Zoro yells.

You blink a few times. The moment you felt the cold water touch your skin, it made you realise you fell into the ocean. You waddle your arms and legs around, making yourself face toward the water surface. You were swimming upwards when someone else lunged into the water. Seeing how they are sinking like a rock, you swim after them and quickly resurface, letting both of you get a deep breath of air.

"Y/N! Luffy!" Nami shouts worriedly, reaching out to help you get back on the boat.

Zoro fishes Luffy out of the water. "You can swim?" he asks surprised.

You climb onto the bigger boat and roll on your back, panting from the extra exercise. "Of course, why wouldn't I be able to?" In-between the pants, you look over to the other boat. "Is Luffy alright?"

Nami runs into the cabin. She grabs some cloth and tosses one at Luffy. You sit up and she wraps one around your body, using another one to dry off your hair. "Thanks." You smile at her softly.

"You did not eat a Devil's Fruit?" Zoro continues to question, without answering you.

"I don't remember eating one," you reply.

"Well, since you didn't sink like that idiot over there, it's safe to assume you didn't," Nami says, rubbing your head thoroughly.

Using a corner of the cloth, you dry your wet face. When you look down on your body, you only now realise how slobbery and sticky your clothes feel. You don't like the sense of this tacky feeling. Suddenly you shake off all the fabric and stare down at your belt.

This is bad.

"What's wrong?" Nami asks.

You hurry and unbuckle your belt, scattering your two guns and your knife across the wooden deck.

You hurry and unbuckle your belt, scattering your two guns and your knife across the wooden deck

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"My weapons got wet." Your voice cracks slightly. You dash into the small cabin and take several sheets with you. Sitting down, you frantically try to dry off your guns first. "The gunpowder is ruined," you mumble to yourself.

"Don't worry Y/N. If you dry them off quickly, they won't start rusting. I'll help you." She reaches her hand out to take your knife. Your heartbeat speeds up and in a split second, you grab her wrist, stopping her motion.

For a moment, you don't realise what you just did. When you see Nami looking at you with a shocked expression, you snap out of your blank state. "Sorry," you say sharply and let go of her wrist, turning away from everyone and quietly drying off your weapons on your own.

"That knife is very important to me, I don't want anybody to touch it."

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