Chapter 38 | Shock

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With big strides, you make your way to the place where Arlong and his followers are staying. Luffy, looking like the captain he is, is leading the group towards your goal. Although you are taking the situation seriously, the apparent grin on your face shows how confident you are. Normal villagers would probably not stand a chance against these fishmen but from what you have seen, your group is far from normal.

A rubber man accompanied by a bounty hunter swordsman, a kicking cook and a gun-wielding girl. What a lovely team composition.

"L-Luffy do we really just walk in from the front?"

Oh, and let's not forget about the long-nosed sniper.

"I'll take down Arlong directly! I don't want to deal with the small fries!" Luffy shouts resolutely.

"Then leave them to us, you shouldn't hog all the glory for yourself," Sanji comments.

Just like that, you arrive at Arlong Park. The tall building really stands out from the entire area. You think about how much money he must have seized to construct this park. You look at the many red roofs of the building, each stacking another layer on top of it.

Suddenly an image from another place flashes before your eyes. You quickly run to the other side of the pool to take a look at the place from the front. You could hear faint voices calling you from behind but you block them out from your thoughts. Standing in front of Arlong Park, you could confirm it.

I was right... This park looks extremely similar to another one.

There is no mistaking it. The moment the image in your mind overlapped with the sight in front of you, you felt it. A place you have been before, a grand and colourful place filled with laughter and happiness. But the sad reality is that no matter how hard you think about it, you have no further recollection of the place.

All your thoughts are thrown off when a giant sea creature emerged from the pool. You stagger backwards a bit when you recognise it as the sea cow you saw earlier on.

"Come on Mohmoo!" someone shouts at it.

You hurriedly make your way back to the rest of your group, seeing how Luffy is preparing a move to shy it away.

"Wait!" you scream. They all turn their gaze at you. "You shouldn't go too rough on an animal." Everyone is a bit speechless about your explanation, only blankly blinking at you.

"Mohmoo!" You turn to the sea cow. "We'll free you from these pirates so you have to support us!" The creature who was filled with rage from its owner's order calms down and moves its head towards you. "There, there." You pat it gently. "I'm sorry we gave you a hard time before. We'll make it up to you." After hearing that the sea creature makes a delightful noise, sinks back into the pool and swims towards the ocean.

"What's that thing doing?!" Arlong yells.

"Hey! What did you do to Mohmoo?!" The octopus fishman Hachi comes running, swinging his arms at you. But he is blocked by Zoro's swords almost immediately.

"Thanks..." you mutter.

"Do not just stand there surprised," he grunts but he soon smiles at you. "We should seriously beat them up."

"Someone get that annoying chick already!" Arlong speaks his order and you could see two fishmen slowly getting closer to you. Before you even pulled out your pistols, one was kicked in the face by Sanji and one was shot with ammo of a slingshot.

"As if I'll let you take her," Sanji says nonchalantly, still smoking his cigarette calmly. While Sanji is showing off his skills, the fishman who Usopp shot starts chasing him, shouting how he is going to kill him. Usopp, as expected, runs for his life.

Seeing how his right-hand men were all unable to carry out his order, Arlong angrily stands up from his seat. With his immense power, he grabs Luffy and you by your wrists. Knowing that Luffy is a Devil's Fruit user, he tosses him into the water.


You feel a jolt of pain running down your arm and grit your teeth. Arlong is still holding you in place, dangling you like a doll.

"Why are you even out here if everyone has to protect you?" He laughs menacingly. "Are you their little princess perhaps?"

His words irritate you tremendously. With your free hand, you pull out your knife and hold it against his chest. Despite the threat, he continues to laugh at you.

"You can't kill me."

"Taking someone's life isn't something I would do," you voice. "But someone like you wouldn't understand how valuable lives are." With that you slice your knife through his forearm, making him yelp and let go of you.

"You little...!"

Arlong holds out his hand. You could see little water droplets forming on the webbing between his fingers. He swings his hand and the water droplets sling outwards in a rapid speed. Acting as fast as you can, you try to dodge or avert them with your knife. But one of the drops hit your left thigh, giving you excruciating pain.

"Hahaha! That shows you how superior our race is!" Lying on the ground, you pull out your golden gun, pointing it at him. "Go on, shoot me! You won't take away anyone's life, right?" He tries to aggravate you.

You let out a little laugh, making him fall silent. "You know, I've been asked this a lot. What's good about a gun that can't kill?" Arlong looks at you as if you are insane.

"It'll let you experience pain that'll make you wish you were dead."

You fire a single bullet at him, targeting his bare chest. At this short distance, he has no chance of dodging it. The bullet hit his skin without penetrating it, sending a jolt of electricity through his body. Arlong's body cramps up, the electrical shock locks up the muscles in his body, making him unable to move.

"What..." he huffs while slowly supporting himself up.

"An electric bullet," you explain. "My bullets are made of rubber. They won't kill anyone but they will hurt as bad as real ones."

"I'M BACK!" a familiar childish voice overpowers that of your own. You glance at Luffy, who quite literally shot out of the water. A big smile spread on your face.

"Here comes the rubber that'll make you hurt the most," you say slyly.

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