Handcuffed to Zander

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Chapter 29: Bad at it Together

Song Chapter: Thinking Bout You by Ariana Grande

Song Chapter: Thinking Bout You by Ariana Grande

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Aria Evans

The end of the school day came and to say I was finally relieved was an understatement.

Ignoring someone while being ignored took some energy out of you.

While Dylan took the liberty to ignore me at all costs, I was trying my best to ignore a tall Australian with a lip ring.

Yeah, I was not ready for the whole, "sorry I missed our date but I found your bestfriend Zander more important than you, so I stayed with him but trust me I still hate him."

How crazy would I sound?

And it wasn't any easier ignoring him during the classes I actually had with him, trust me it was quite hard. Acting dumb and pretending you have a hearing problem did the trick for me though.

Shaking my head, I made my way up the stairs, towards our school's library. I wasn't doing so well on homework and I needed a huge catch up.

Heck, I needed a miracle.

Making my way down the hallway, I was about to turn into the library when a tall figure stopped me.


Halting mid step, I looked up. Eyes as blue as the ocean. Cursing at my bad luck, I turned to quickly walk away but was stopped once again by a hand on my arm.

Sighing at my defeat, I turned around to face him.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

There was my chance to actually tell him the truth.

That I felt bad for ditching our date but Zander really needed someone and I happened to be there.

I just couldn't do that though, Zander trusted me that night, he actually opened up to me. I couldn't just tell someone else something that wasn't my business to tell.

So I chose Zander, once again.

"I'm sorry, I just fell asleep."

Chuck seemed confused by my words so I chose to elaborate.

"Our date last night. I came home and I ended up falling asleep! I just feel really bad and you must be so angry, I'm so sorry."

I put on my best guilty face, not having any trouble at all since I actually felt guilty, as I waited for a response, expecting him to yell at me.

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