Handcuffed to Zander

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Chapter 30: Hopeless Romantic

Song chapter: Do I Wanna Know by the Arctic Monkeys

Song chapter: Do I Wanna Know by the Arctic Monkeys

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Aria Evans

My fingers tapped against the marble table as my eyes roamed across the room.

There were a few people at Mama's Diner, a small family in the back and a engrossed couple in the front.

So really, the diner was practically empty.

My eyes then swept down beside me, where a thankfully quiet Zeke sat.

He had exploded in tears in the library, disrupting the quiet and unfortunately leading me to get kicked out.

Ms. Kawaski was a meanie.

At that moment the door's bell rang, informing all of us of a new customer. Looking up I found a smiling Derek, a baby carrier strapped on his chest, holding his and Noah's baby girl.

I think they named her Vegan?

"Hey Derek and - ?"

Smiling wider he pat the doll on the back lightly.

"It's Vega Aria, what kind of aunt are you?"

Rolling my eyes, I frowned as Derek began unstrapping the baby carrier, placing Vega on the booth in front of Zeke before plopping himself right next to her.

"Apparently not a good one."

I then narrowed my eyes as I realized something.

"Hey I asked for a set of twins not half of one, where's Noah?"

After over hearing Dylan's call, I quickly messaged the twins with the school's computer, asking them to meet me at Mama's. 

I needed answers and I needed them quickly so I figured the twins would know something.

At the mention of Noah's name, Derek scrunched his nose in disgust.

"He went out with the leech again."

Making my own face of disgust, I groaned.

Santana Flores, aka the school's tramp, aka the leech was dating our good friend Noah. But if you ask me, dating didn't involve having quickies in empty classrooms.

Especially with different people.

"Yeah sure, he probably went to her house to dump out his load because her parents weren't home."

Derek held an amused smile, as he scoffed.

"You're such a prude Aria."

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