It's just the beginning

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-Darth Maul wounds but fails to kill Qui-Gon Jinn and retreats from the fight with the Queen as his prize completing his mission but fails in exterminating his enemies.

Qui-Gon walks through the Jedi Temple with Obi-Wan. Both seem to be troubled with the new and ever increasing presence of the Sith.
"So Qui-Gon, has the council decided on weather to let you train the boy yet?" Obi-wan asked as they stopped by a window.
Qui-Gon signed heavily "No, not yet. I keep telling them that you are ready to be knighted, so I can take young Anakin as my apprentice, but they still are hesitant about it all." Qui-Gon looked over at his apprentice and noticed that Obi-wan didn't reply. He could sense his distraught.
"What is wrong Obi-wan? You're letting your distraught overwhelm you." Qui-Gon placed a hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder.
"I'm just thinking Master." He answered covering up his distraught to show Qui-Gon that it was nothing.
"About the Sith?" Qui-Gon raised his eye brow and Obi-wan shifted uncomfortably as his master mentioned the exact thing that troubled him.
"What will be done about him?" Obi-wan asked looking at his master "He's still out there and we don't know if he's the Master or the Apprentice."
"The Council will have to make the decision on what will be done." Qui-Gon answered simply
"But he has Queen Amidala! We should be finding them to get her back." Obi-wan said
"And you will" Mace Windu announced walking up to them. The Obi-wan and his master greeted the Jedi Master. "The Council has made the decision to send you both out to find the Sith and rescue Queen Amidala." Windu started "and upon your return, will we discuss further the fate of the boy."

As Qui-Gon and Obi-wan approached the Sith's ship, Obi-wan couldn't help but feel nervous about their upcoming fight with the Sith. In their last battle, the Sith somehow was able to get past his mental barrier and distract him. After that was when Qui-Gon was struck in the side by the red lightsaber. It didn't feel like a threat though, it felt beckoning. Which frightened the young Jedi. Did the Sith want him for the dark side? Was there only one Sith looking for an apprentice?
"Obi-wan?" Qui-Gon broke the silence.
"Yes Master?"
"When we fight the Sith, I need you to be fully prepared for what may happen as completely on guard. The Sith are unpredictable and anything could happen."
"Master you told me this before we left the temple."
"Yes, I know, I just wanted to remind you. The Sith are our absolute enemy and they will kill any Jedi any chance they get."
"I understand Master. I promise I won't fail you."
"Do not leave my side when we board the Sith's ship, if we get separated something may happen and we may not be able to help each other."
"Master, you're talking like I just became your padawan. I know what to do if we become separated."
"Yes. I know. The Sith are suppose to be dead and they aren't. If this is just an apprentice, than the battle isn't over with." Qui-Gon replied to Obi-wan with a hint of worry in his voice. Qui-Gon loved his apprentice like he was his son. He couldn't let anything happen to his son and he will do anything for him.

Once they got to the ship, Obi-wan could feel the overwhelming darkness that flooded each and every room. Qui-Gon Jinn used the force to feel around the enormous ship for the queen.
"She's here, on the floor below us." Qui-Gon Jinn informed his apprentice. "Quickly, we must get to her. Make sure to hide your presence. We don't want to encounter the Sith before we get to her."
Obi-wan took a deep breath and quickly followed his master through the ship. He kept his lightsaber in his hand the whole time following Qui-Gon to the queen's cell, ready to fight the demon-like Sith.
Maul walked through his ship to 'the Queen of Naboo.' Not too long ago he sent the signed treaty to his master. It was too easy for him to convince the her to sign it. Looks like she has a soft spot for the Jedi. Pathetic weaklings. The Naboo stood no chance against the Sith they had no army and the Gungans were easily brought under control with the droids. The only enemy left is the Jedi.
As Maul approached Amidala's cell, he smelled something. It was something he only smelled once before but it seemed like he knew it for as long as he lived. Turning the corner, he noticed the queen in the doorway with the weak Jedi. He jumped at them igniting one end of his lightsaber. Fools they were so caught up in the rescue they didn't even sense him.
Qui-Gon heard the ignition of the lightsaber and quickly blocked the attack with his own. Obi-wan moved Queen Amidala back.
"Stay back!" Obi-wan lit his lightsaber and ran towards the fight to help his master fight of the Sith in the narrow hallways. As Qui-Gon kept most of the Sith's attention towards him they slowly retreated to their ship.
Finally! The last door way than we're at the ship! Obi-wan thought and started to retreat faster with Qui-Gon. The Sith took quick notice of it. He used the force to pull the two Jedi away from each other's side and he jumped between them. Using both ends of his light saber he fought between both of them. He kicked Obi-wan deeper into the hall way and quickly struck Qui-Gon Jinn with multiple lightsaber attacks before slicing his lightsaber into the left side of Qui-Gon's chest. He used the force to push the soon to be dead Jedi master through the doorway and quickly locked the door preventing Obi-wan from reaching his Master.
Filled with rage, Obi-wan attacks the Sith blow after blow, the Sith is able to block each attack with ease. The Sith let it go on until he sensed the young Jedi became exhausted from the battle. The Sith quickly knocked the young Jedi off of his feet. He took a deep breath and smiled in his victory as the young Jedi scrambled to get up and run. The Sith shut the door leaving the hall way and locked it. The young Jedi realized there was no escaping from the Sith Lord.
As the Sith approached the boy to end his life, he realized that the smell he caught earlier had radiated off of the young Jedi. He paused in his stride and watched the young Jedi stand in confusion at why he paused. The Sith's mission was to kill the Jedi and get the Queen to sign the treaty. Even though the Queen escaped, the treaty was still signed. There would be no where safe for her to go without a bounty hunter looking for her: he recapture shall be easy. One of the Jedi is already dead and this one shall be too. But I must find out why his smell calls me to him. The Sith thought and returned to what he was doing.
He disarmed Obi-wan and quickly knocked him out. He pocketed the Jedi's saber and turned off his own and returned it to his belt. He knelt down to the unconscious Jedi and grabbed his chin. Turning the boys head to get a better look at him. He couldn't understand what it was. He searched him to see if anything the boy had was giving off the scent, but no it was the boy himself.
His mind told him to kill the boy and report to his master, but something in him a quiet voice shouted for him to keep the Jedi alive. He studied the boy uncomfortably as he debated in his mind what he should do. Never before has his mind caused this kind of trouble, where he would go against his master and not kill someone. It was what he was always trained for. To kill the useless creatures of the galaxy for his master.
He growled at himself and picked up the young Jedi throwing him onto his shoulder. Never before has he argued with himself over someone's fate and here, he decided to let the boy live. He set the boy down in the room where there was force shields around the room enabling the Jedi from using the force to escape the room. He set him down the bed and looked at the Jedi, sorting through his thoughts. Whatever it was keeping this boy alive could wait. He must give a report on what happened to his master.

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