The Executor part 3

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As Kanan followed Maul to find Vader, Kanan stops and turns to Chopper.

"Chopper, I want you to go back to the ship and get the Sith apprentice's body." Kanan ordered and Chopper let out some hesitant noises.

"I know he's probably dead Chopper, but there's still possibly a chance that we can save him. Now go!" Kanan quietly ordered and Chopper quickly left in the direction of the ship. Kanan than quickly caught back up with the others to find that they had already encountered Vader.

No words exchanged, just immediate battle from Kanan's knowledge. Everyone that had a blaster was there firing when they could and everyone with a lightsaber took their turns at attacking Vader as they surrounded him. It then was Obi-wan's turn to attack Vader. Their lightsabers clashed over and over neither of them able to get a hit on the other.

Suddenly, lightning split through the air and struck Obi-wan as he and Vader's lightsabers clashed together. It all happened so quickly, it didn't even give Obi-wan even a chance to scream from the searing pain.

"OBI-WAN!" The two brother's yelled wide-eyed. Maul quickly turned to see his old master sporting a sinister grin.

"So you still live, Maul." Sidious commented as the lightning ceased for a moment. "I must say I am impressed. Am I to understand that was you on Mustafar that had killed Vader's Inquisitors?"

"There is nothing you or Vader can do that will kill me." Maul snarled defensively at Sidious as Feral ran over to Obi-wan.

"It seems almost so. I have left you for dead on Lotho Minor, killed Kenobi, your brother, your mother and everyone on Dathomire and more on other planets. Drove you to insanity over and over again. Yet, I nearly succeeded. I wonder, what you would do if you were to lose the last two people that have kept you alive so far?" Sidious questioned looking from Maul to Feral and Obi-wan.

Maul released a bolt of lighting at Sidious which he knew was its effectiveness was useless as the Sith Lord absorbed its power with his hand and Maul roared at his old master. "You touch them and I swear it'll be the last thing you do!" 

"We all know that you will fail Maul. Lord Vader, take care of them." Sidious commanded and Vader moved towards Feral and Obi-wan.

Feral stood igniting his lightsaber but found the action useless as Maul ran towards Vader. Their lightsabers clashed once. Twice. And even five more times until Maul snarled and his lightsaber sliced through Vader's respirator multiple times before slicing off Vader's dominate arm. Then Vader turned his back to Maul and once Maul was close enough to him he ignited his lightsaber into himself and also into Maul causing the Sith Lord to fall defeated and wounding Maul severely.

Sidious stood there looking disappointed at Vader and at how Maul was still standing from his stomach being pierced.

"Maul!" Obi-wan took a few steps toward Maul until lightning flashed through the air and struck Maul. Maul only stood there for a few second until his body succumbed to the pain falling to the ground as Sidious hit him with the full force of his lightning. Feral growled and charged at Sidious. Feral went to strike at Sidious until he was thrown back.

"Don't Feral!" Maul shouted at him as tried to block the pain out as he stood back up and holding his stomach. "Get out of here!"

"We are not leaving you here brother!" Feral snarled using his magiks to break the onslaught of lightning.

"I will not stand here and argue about this!" Maul snapped using his own magiks against Sidious.

"Maul!" Obi-wan pleaded

"We can not all escape at once Kenobi, take the others get out of here!" Maul demanded quickly breaking concentration to push them back.

"Maul, I know what you're doing here! You know that you can not possibly win against him!" Satine shouted at him. "Don't be like Mother Talzin! Don't sacrifice yourself like she did! We can all hold him off for us to make an escape!"

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