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Maul groaned as he woke up. His head and vision spun around. He could still still see that he was outside of the Temple. Not far from the top though only he sat up and looked over the edge. He saw that he was on the very first jut out of the Temple. Not too far away he could see the body of the one Inquisitor. He looked up at the fall he took and counted himself lucky to be awake and alive. He had underestimated the blind Jedi. He slowly stood up, gathering his lightsaber, and made the rest of the way down the Temple. Not long of looking around he found one of the Inquisitor's TIE fighters. There was nothing left for him here. He got into the TIE fighter and left Malacore.

On a small carrier ship, Mandalorians and a yellow Zabrak were in the bridge of the ship.
"Sir, there seems to be an Imperial TIE fighter heading towards us, should we send out our own to fight it?" A female Mandalorian asked the Zabrak.
"No Kast. Patch a transmission through. I want to know who they are and why they're here." The Zabrak ordered with a hint of mechanics in his rough voice.
"TIE Fighter, identify yourself and reason for being in this system." Kast announced through a microphone.
"Ah, Kast, I never thought I would be happy to hear your voice." Maul's voice came through the speaker.
"Tell him to announce himself next time." The yellow Zabrak sighed and shook his head.
"I'm flattered Lord Maul, Lord Feral wishes for you to announce yourself next time you approach in an enemy ship." Kast replied to him
"Tell him it's noted. I will be docking for supplies than heading down to Dathomir before I leave again." Maul informed her.
"Yes Lord Maul." Kast replied then broke the transmission.

Once Maul docked on the ship he saw his brother with an unhappy look on his face.
"What? No welcome home?" Maul joked with his brother
"Well I'm certainly happy you've finally gained a sense of humor brother. But nearly 5 months with no transmission? I was about to send out a group looking for you!" Feral snapped at him.
"Well I'm certainly happy that my baby brother is looking out for me." Maul joked again and Feral rolled his eyes as they began walking together.
"So how have things been here? No Imperial ships?" Maul questioned looking at his brother. Feral had the same body mass that Maul did when he was Feral's age. Which is good news for Feral, less people would want to fight him. He had grown too both him and Maul were now the same height.
"Nothing to report here except that we'll have to send a group out soon for more supplies." Feral told him and saw that Maul's back horns were cracked. "And look at you! Your horns are cracked what in the blazes happened to you!?"
"Yes, I seem to of encountered some Jedi." Maul explained
"Jedi?!" Feral was surprised he though they had been killed by the Order.
"Yes and Lady Tano is still alive as well." Maul continued no longer making eye contact with Feral and his younger brother knew that was a bad sign.
"Maul what happened?" Feral questioned him
"Well I found a boy, he is worthy of being my apprentice." Maul tried to put off really explaining what happened.
"Let me guess. He has blue eyes?" Feral asked and Maul stopped in his place almost embarrassed by the fact.
"Yes. But that is not the point brother." Maul stated and continued walking.
"I think it is! You have it out for people with blue eyes!" Feral teased his brother.
"I do not Feral!" Maul snapped at him embarrassed
"Arsayh had found an infant Dactillion with blue eyes and green skin. Everyone on the ship voted against it, but you said she could have it and now everyone is cleaning up after the creature. It's starting to get too big to even fly around the ship now!" Feral pointed out
"I wanted her to have a pet something she can play with!" Maul counterattack his brother's argument.
"Yet you turned her down when she proposed the other 5 creatures that didn't have blue eyes." Feral retorted
"It still doesn't prove your point Feral." Maul said walking into the supply room. He grabbed a bag and started to fill it with the necessities.
"Hmmm, well I think your denial proves it all Maul." Feral said and watched Maul finish grabbing the supplies he needed.
"I am going to see Satine and Arsayh than I am going down to Dathomir to pay my respects than I shall be leaving again." Maul said trying to change the topic
"Did you forget the girls have blue eyes too? Mother and Obi-wan had blue eyes!" Feral said watching his brother walk quickly down the hall. He could help, but laugh at Maul's reaction when ever he brought up something to do with blue eyes. He was completely caught up in teasing his brother that he had forgotten to ask about the Jedi Maul had mentioned.

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