Paying respect

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After visiting with Satine and Arsayh, Maul took the TIE fighter down to Dathomir. He landed on the Empty planet and got out to walk to the only hut to be seen. When he walked in he was greeted on his right by 3 lightsabers and a crystal ball. He pasted the darksaber that had a handmade mural of Satine behind it to a double saber. It had a mural of Savage behind it and Maul had opened the bag he had and placed water and a little bit of food in front of the saber. Than Maul moved on to the last lightsaber. Maul had stared for a moment at the mural of Obi-wan behind the Jedi lightsaber.
"I only came to visit, Kenobi. I will be staying the night here than heading out again." Maul said while placing food and water in front of the saber. He placed a hand on it before moving on to the crystal ball.
"Mother, I'll be needing guidance for what to do next. I had encountered Jedi and I had found my apprentice but he is as stubborn and head strong as Kenobi was when we were younger. I fear I do not have the same patience as I did before I met him. What can I possibly do? I can tell he wants to trust me, but I had wounded his master... I fear if I pursue him to become my apprentice, it will end up almost the same way it did with Kenobi..." Maul said placing food and water in front of the crystal ball. When he was finished talking a green mist came from the crystal ball. The mist had wrapped around Maul quietly whispering things to him.
Maul turned his head away from the mist with his eyes closed trying to focus on one of the voices, but they all mixed together. He sighed opening his eyes and looking down at the mist.
"I thank you for your guidance Nightsisters, but I came to hear from Mother Talzin." Maul spoke quietly and the mist slowly retreated back into the crystal ball.
"Do not worry my sisters, I will find a way to bring you back in your entirety somehow." Maul swore to the crystal ball. He hadn't lost all of the Nightsisters. A few powerful one's managed to shift their forms into a mist and hide away in the crystal ball. The crystal ball was a temporary home, Maul knew it was risky to have them is far from the cave. The crystal ball was their only source of transport outside of the cave. Maul always wanted to talk to his Mother, but he knew she wasn't one of the spirits that were saved. He looked up at the incomplete mural of his mother behind the crystal ball. He looked around for paint to continue it to only remind himself that he had ran out and needed more. Look around his small hut he found just a tiny bit of paint underneath of his bed. He moved the crystal ball aside to reach the mural. He quietly continued the mural as he applied the paint with his fingers. He painted slowly he didn't want to mess up one single bit of the mural. He was already not pleased with his mural of Satine he just couldn't get the right color of her skin. He would have to go over it when he made the right color. He kept painting until there was no more paint left. He was unhappy with the progress he made with the painting. The wet paint looked a different shade than the dry paint did. That's what unsettled him, he shrugged it off knowing that the paint would look the same color once it dried. He tossed the empty canister somewhere near his bed and he picked up a cloth. He rubbed of the paint from his fingers as he looked at the four murals.
"Lord Maul?" A female voice broke the silence and Maul jumped inside of his skin. He growled turning to the voice to see Kast.
"What are you doing in here?! I did not give you permission to enter!" Maul snarled at her.
"I apologize Lord Maul, I tried to knock, but you didn't answer." Kast said looking at the murals.
"What do you want Kast?" Maul kept snarling at her.
"Lord Feral wanted for me to bring Arsayh down so she could let her Dactillion live down here on Dathomir. He also wanted me to tell you that he sent a team out to get more supplies and Satine had volunteered to go with the group." Kast reported to him and he calmed down.
"Thank you for reporting in Kast." Maul walked up to her glaring at the Mandalorian woman. "The next time I find you in my hut without my permission you will not leave without a punishment. Now leave, I do not want to be disturbed."
"Yes, of course Lord Maul, please pardon me." She said and left the hut making sure it to touch anything. Maul groaned and did a property check. He knew Kast was one of his most loyal soldiers, but he trusted no one, but Feral in his hut. Not even Arsayh or Satine. The things he collected in his hut were too valuable to him to risk them getting taken or broken.
After making sure everything was in it's rightful place, Maul made sure his hand was clean before moving the crystal ball back in front of the mural. He laid down in his bed and closed his eyes. It had been a while since he was actually able to rest in his own bed and it felt nice to him. He could hear Arsayh outside of his hut laughing and playing with her Dactillion. The sound of her laughter had saddened Maul. After all these years she still was able to retain her happiness. Satine had taught her how to speak in Galactic Basic and Arsayh seemed to call him and Satine: mom and dad now. After all that's happened he guessed she had the right to call him that. He and Satine had taken care of her ever since the attack that killed Saxon. He really didn't care for her calling him dad it was the point of her constantly saying that him and Satine should really get together. Satine didn't really seemed bothered by Arsayh saying it, but Maul always refused the idea. Feral tried explaining why Maul didn't like the idea to the young Mandalorian, but the girl kept insisting. She even gone to the point once in trying to set the Maul and Satine up on a date. It had failed because Maul could sense that something was up when Arsayh tried to cover up that it was a date. Maul could tell his relationship with Arsayh was not steady, but he just needed her to realize he didn't want to start any other relationship with Satine other than the friendship they had now.
Maul wanted to avoid everything that had to do with dating and relationships. He didn't feel like he was being held back by his past with Obi-wan, but he kept refusing to date anyone.
As Maul fell asleep, the green mist crept slowly out of the crystal ball, over the counter covering the food than it moved over to Maul. The mist wrapped around Maul. He shift in his bed and started to dream. He saw himself sitting with Ezra combining a Jedi and a Sith Holocrons together. Than the scene quickly changed back to Dathomir. He had Ezra there, but he couldn't hear what they were say than he suddenly saw Nightsister spirits posses Kanan and some human girl.
Maul quickly woke from his dream. Sitting up, he looked around. His hut was exactly the way he left it. He walked over to his door and saw that it was dark. He stood in the door way thinking about his dream. He often had dreams like this when ever he slept on Dathomir ever since the attack. He could hear the Dactillion calling in the distance. He knew Arsayh would want to get another one so this one wouldn't be lonely. Maul mentally put it on a list of things he would have to do later. He walked around his hut making sure everything was were it was suppose to be. Usually when he had dreams thing would be out of place. As he looked around he didn't take notice that the food was gone from in front of the the crystal ball and Savage's lightsaber. Maul didn't spot anything out of place, so he decided to go back to bed.

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