Dead memories and new hopes

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Some years later ~

Alone. That's all he is now. He left everyone. Stuck underground in some building. He had followed them here. To this place. It reminded him of his path and it gave him strength. Strength that he didn't know he would feel in a long long time. After he took his first step into the building, the feeling of the building, the presence of the ghosts. It had ignited an old flame inside of him. One of revenge.
With his hood up, he had kicked a dead body that was covered in armor that had the mark of the Empire on it. He understood so much from the past years. Good things can not be rushed. He learned that the hard way. Using his cane he walked around the old Temple.
He couldn't escape from this underground part of the Temple with any help. The only ones who knew he was down here were these now dead Inquisitors, who were sent by one of the creatures he hated the most. Darth Vader. He couldn't help, but feel happy for the Jedi who fought Vader after the Order was given. With their help they've reduced Vader down to being half droid. Vader had to walk around in a full body of armor constantly. It helped Vader walk, hold things and now breath. He knew that he could of attacked Vader at many times, but he had to be patient, even if it felt like he was dying to finally kill him.
He rubbed his chest and cleared his throat. The pain was still there as clear as day. It had never faded and he was happy about that. The pain had comforted him and reminded him about things. Strangely it reminded him of only happy things. Never a bad memory comes to his mind when he feels the pain in his chest. He never got an answer to why it was there. No doctor or medic droid could figure it out, no matter how much evidence they had. On his journey to where he got to now he noticed that some times the pain would dull and sharpen on some planets. Sometimes when he is on a Force sensitive planet like he is now it could sway from being sharp to dull to back to sharp. He just thought it was his age and his hearts being past their prime.
Suddenly he heard someone fall. He hid behind a corner and peaked around to see a boy with blue eyes. He took a notice that he seemed to hold creatures with blue eyes close to him. Most of the people dear to him in his life had blue eyes except for two people, his brothers.
"Sure, I'll catch up with you. If I know where I am." The boy spoke and he could feel that the boy was Force sensitive and he could sense the imbalancement in the boy as well.
"Perfect." He whispered to himself laughing quietly he cleared his voice again trying to make it sound old and raspy.
"I know where you are!" He shouted to the boy. "You're with me." He smartly said and the boy quickly ignited a strange looking blue lightsaber.
Ah, his lightsaber is blue as well. The man thought to himself.
"Please put your weapon away, I mean you no harm." He said but the boy refused
"Stay back!" The boy shouted at him and he took a couple small steps to the boys using his cane. "I'm warning you old man!"
"Forgive me, it's just, I've been alone for so long. It's been years since I've spoken to anyone." He said to the boy and it was true. He had broken his comm link when he crashed on this planet.
"You live here alone?" The boy asked confused "In the dark."
"Not by choice." He explained to the boy. "My ship crashed. I'm trapped. Marooned. I've had to scrounge and scrap to survive."
"Look, I'm sorry, I can't help you. I have to get back to my friends." The boys moved his lightsaber around to light the underground around him to see if he can find a way out.
"Well, perhaps I can help you." He said to the boy taking a step to him.
"I doubt that." The boy said to him and kept looking.
"Why are you here?" He was completely intrigued by this boy now, who else was this boy with?
"I'm not going to tell you that." The boy retorted and he rolled his eyes, so this boy is stubborn.
"You came for the same thing I did, years ago! You seek knowledge." He said and the boy turned around to him looking amazed.
"It's in the Temple, isn't it?" The boy asked him.
"And I know the secret way inside!" He told the boy. He knew this Temple inside and out like every tattoo on his body. He was brought here many times when he was the boy's age. "But. But I'm too old. I-I-I need help opening the door!" He chuckled at the end. He sounded ridiculous. Still the boy came closer to him.
"What's inside?" The boy curiously asked
"Help me and find out." He simply said to the boy.
"Show me this door way." The boy demanded. He couldn't help, but wonder the boy's tone didn't sound like a Jedi. It sounded the way he did when he was young.
Alright than boy. If you don't sound like a Jedi, let see if you sound like a Sith. He thought to himself
"Please, this way." He said to the boy gesturing in the direction of the door way
"You first." The boy said almost demandingly
"Do you not trust me?" He asked the boy
Trust, it's something all Jedi have, even for someone who they don't know. They have it until the person breaks it.
"I don't know you." The boy said to him
"Well than let's change that! Call me 'old master.'" He said to the boy "And you?"
"Call me Jabba." The boy said
"Hmm! Come than, 'Jabba.'" Old master said and led the way to the door. As they walked 'Jabba' never turned off his saber. They had started talking about 'Jabba's' friends until Old Master mentioned the Inquisitors.
"Wait you know about the Inquisitor?" 'Jabba' asked
"He is my enemy. All Inquisitors and their masters are my enemies!" Old Master turned around to look at 'Jabba.'
"Were you a Jedi?" 'Jabba' asked sadly
"Uhh, no. No. No... but I was a Force wielder! Long ago. Long, long ago." Old master hesitantly answered
"Than you're a Sith!" 'Jabba' snapped preparing to fight.
"The Sith." Old Master hissed. "The Sith, took everything from me!" Old Master's arm shook in anger. "Ripped me from my mother's arms. Murdered her, my brother AND my mate. Used me as a weapon and than castes me aside. Abandoned me! Once I had power! Now, I have nothing. Nothing."
"I know how you feel." 'Jabba' sadly comments. "The Empire, they took away my home and my mother and my father!"
"And you want revenge?" Old Master took a step towards 'Jabba'
"I want justice." 'Jabba' corrected him
Revenge, Justice, it's all the same in the end.
"Yes! Yes, and you shall have it! For I have discovered the key." Old Master said to the boy.
"The key to wait?" 'Jabba' asked
"The key to destroying the Sith!" Old Master turned and continued walking to the door.
"That's the knowledge inside the Temple?" 'Jabba' followed him
"Yes, that Temple hold secrets of the Sith, secrets that have been buried with the dead for thousands of years." Old master said as he walked
"And you'll share this knowledge with me?" 'Jabba' asked as they arrived at the door.
"Yes, yes of course!" Old master said and as 'Jabba' looked at the stone door.

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