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Obi-wan quietly walked out of the soul healer's room, the day only began to darken. He still has been having trouble finding his center after a couple weeks of being back at the temple. He wondered aimlessly through out the halls of the temple. Both his mind and his heart ached for a reason and understanding. A reason for himself to stay strong and an understanding. If he was Maul's mate why would he hurt him so badly? He's talked many times with the soul healers in what happened to him but never did he tell them that Maul claimed him to be his mate nor did he ever tell them that the Sith's name.
When Obi-wan looked around to find out where he was, he noticed he was in the library.
"Hello there padawan," He heard an old lady say and he jumped. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
Obi-wan took a deep breath and replied to the librarian "No it's ok. I was just in deep thought." He paused again thinking.
"Is there anything that you need Obi-wan?" The librarian asked
"Uh, you wouldn't happen to know where I can find some books on Zabraks would you?" Obi-wan asked nervously
"Zabraks? No one has taken a look at those for a while. Follow me I'll show you to them." She led Obi-wan deep into the library and pointed out a few books. "Here are the books we have on Zabraks."
"Thank you" Obi-wan said and pulled out a book and his own notebook.
"I'll leave you to your studying." She said and left him in the sea of books.
Obi-wan couldn't help, but look around to make sure he was alone. He sat down and opened his notebook up to a page where he did a sketch of Maul's head. He flipped through the book to a chapter where it spoke of their strengths and weaknesses. He did a quick sketch of Maul's body and detailed it with the strange black markings. He pointed out where possible weaknesses could be on Maul.
Obi-wan tapped on the book rapidly and looked around again. Once he deemed it safe in his mind, he flipped to the chapter about their mating rituals and flipped the page in his notebook. As he wrote down notes about mates and their rituals he kept looking around to make sure no one approached him in the library he knew only contained him, the librarian and a few other padawans, a who where studying.
He learned that when a Zabrak finds their mate a connection is made unknowing to the couple until they are forced together by feeling a lonesome feeling deep in their chests and the want and need of the other. The book said the lonesome feeling could turn painful throughout time and distance away from their mate. It was rare for the mates to be the same gender, but very common these days to be of different species.
Obi-wan signed closing the book and signed rubbing his face. He pocketed his notebook and put book back. He deemed it enough "studying" on Zabraks for one day. He stood up and left the library. It concerned him, if he and Maul were mates how long would it take until they felt the force of it?
"Hey! Obi-wan!" Anakin said quickly walking up to him. Obi-wan looked back at the boy, he still felt uncomfortable talking to many people, but the queen, the boy, and Qui-Gon.
"Hello Anakin." Obi-wan greeted the young boy.
"I've been looking everywhere for you!" Anakin sounded extremely excited
"Oh and why's that?"
"I wanted to tell you that my birthday is in a few days and I wanted to invite you and Master Qui-Gon!" Anakin handed to pieces of paper. "Ones for oh and the other is for Qui-Gon."
"Well, I don't know Anakin, my schedule has been a bit busy." Obi-wan said thinking about his visits with the soul healers and his studying. He already cut his studying time down so he could prepare himself if he did encounter Maul ever again.
"Oh please Obi-wan! My birthday wouldn't be the same without you!" Anakin begged
"Alright, I'm sure if Master Qui-Gon is going I'll be able to go too." Obi-wan said giving in. It took the boy a long time resembling his friendship with Obi-wan. He had a little bit of a problem with the queen but since she was there it helped him. He never had a single problem with his master, but ever since what happened Obi-wan couldn't help, but keep something's hidden away from people.
"Yes! Padmé is decorating and setting things up so if you want you can come early to help her."
"I'll keep that in mind, Anakin. I should be getting back to Qui-Gon now." Obi-wan said feeling a bit uncomfortable with the long talk.
"Alright I'll go with you."
"Actually Anakin, I would like to walk back alone."
"Oh, ok. I'll just go and hand out my other invitations. See ya later Obi-wan!" Anakin's happy mood hardly seemed dampened by the rejection of walking with Obi-wan as he ran off with more invitations in his hand.
Obi-wan nervous walked to his Qui-Gon's room to give him his invite to Anakin's birthday. He rubbed his chest feeling a bit of pain, but he pushed it away and kept walking to Qui-Gon.

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