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The old man with greying hair coughed a bit as he set wood down in a pile. He had gone through so much work to get this wood for tonight. His chest ached his fever was very low now which made him even more happy for tonight's event. As the sun lowered in the sky, he looked up into the sky, it was already dark enough to start showing nearby stars. The man skillfully hit two rocks together causing a spark to land on the smaller bits of wood starting a fire.
He rubbed his chest mournfully as he watched more stars appear. He was looking for a certain star that only shone once or twice every 6 months in the desert sky. It was the soft shine from a red star in the Quelli sector of the sky. The soft, yet harsh sun of the Dathomir system.
Once the sun was completely down the man had looked at his hand to see a soft, light, green mist flowed from his hands and slowly dunked to the ground to dissipate in the air. The green mist only happened when the planet Dathomir was in his sight of the night sky. He placed his hands in his big sleeves to hid the mist.
He sat closely to the fire. It had reminded him of a great warmth that he knew from his past. He hugged his body imagining that the warmth came from another body instead of the fire. After the moment he looked back up at the red star. It reminded him of his past, something that he felt like he was separated from.
Suddenly in the middle of the night, he felt a presence. He looked from the corner of his eyes from underneath his hood to see an all too familiar silhouette that made him want to run over to it and hug it and never let go. But he stayed where he was and poked the fire with a twig.
"You're in the wrong place. No one comes out here." The man spoke and stood up calmly. He sent his Force out to see who it really was and it made his heart sink and leap for joy at the same time. He brushed the sand off of his cloak as he felt the others rage emanate profusely, the all too familiar and comforting rage. It made him want to run to the silhouette and away from it even more. Than he heard the reply to his comment. There was no voice. The sound off something hitting the sand made the man look down.
It was his old lightsaber. He bent down and picked it up in awe and admiration of the saber and the silhouette. When he looked up he saw the silhouette walking away.
He got up with his lightsaber in his hand and took a few panicked steps towards it before he saw the double bladed red lightsaber igniting. The silhouette jumped flipping backwards behind the man. The man quickly ignited his own lightsaber and blocked the incoming attack clashing his blue blade with the red blade.
Both of their hoods where knocked down revealing Maul and the aged Obi-wan. Maul snarled at the old Jedi, who could see the pain in the Zabrak's eyes. They just stood there staring each other in the eyes before Maul moved to make another attack. As they fought, Obi-wan could see another figure watching them from a nearby dune. Obi-wan would send out his Force to sense who this other figure was, but Maul kept his attention on the battle. One thing they both weren't paying attention to was the landscape. The dune turned into the steep hill causing both forcing users to tumble down the hill having both of their sabers knocked from their hands. The fight quickly turned into a wrestling match with ended with Maul on top, pinning Obi-wan's hands above his head and sitting on the old Jedi's hips as he snarled and glared at Obi-wan. Obi-wan was panting after the fight and wrestle. It had been so long since he found himself in a true fight that it had worn him out. The old Jedi could still feel his fever and he felt it even more with his aching muscles. Obi-wan laid his head one the ground exposing his neck to Maul as he fought to regain control of his breath with his eyes closed.
"Weak Jedi." Obi-wan finally heard his enemy, rival and mate finally speak.
"And here I was thinking... you weren't going to... talk to me." Obi-wan smartly said between his pants.
"You most certainly do not deserve it." Maul said quietly with a sharp edge to his voice and Obi-wan opened his eyes up half way. He faced Maul and just looked at him as he caught the last bit of his breath. They just stared at each other again. Their faces so close to the others. Obi-wan pushed himself up and had ensnared Maul in a kiss. Maul growled at the start of the kiss, but had started to melt into it as each other's tongue explored the others mouth.
Maul let it got on for a moment before pulling himself away from the kiss and moving a hand to wrap around Obi-wan's neck.
"No. I am not here for that!" Maul snapped at him applying a little pressure to the neck below him.
"You are not the Kenobi I knew and loved. You're not Obi-wan. I am not here for what we had. I am here for what will be!" Maul snarled at him
"The key to the elimination of all my enemies." Maul hissed and stood up pulling Obi-wan up by the collar of his clothes.
"Brother! That's enough!" A voice shouted as a silhouette ran over to them.
"Savage?" Obi-wan tried to make out the silhouette, but his exhaustion had gotten to him causing his vision to spin. Without a warning, Obi-wan fainted into Maul's arms leaving the red Zabrak shocked and worried.
"Kenobi?!" Maul shook the unconscious Jedi receiving no answer.

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