A Stranger's help

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Obi-wan worked among other species, mainly Wookies and Twi'leks. Every species has a special collar on them that keeps them tamed and forces them to listen to the Zygerian orders when given. As he kept his head down, he noticed a yellow Zabrak male slave carefully sneak behind a guard and went back to work next to the Jedi.
"I'm guessing you're new here." The male said to Obi-wan looking down as he worked.
"Don't worry I'll help you get your way around here. Trust me you'll want to stay near me." The Zabrak continued and Obi-wan looked at the stranger through the corner of his eyes.
"A Zabrak, a slave? I never knew Zabraks actually let slave traders take them in." Obi-wan said and he heard his new friend chuckle
"Being the warriors we are we would rather die." The Zabrak paused as a guard passed them.
"So why are you here?" Obi-wan asked curiously
"I was sent here many cycles ago to keep an eye out for a Jedi. I'll take it that your name is Obi-wan Kenobi, right?" The Zabrak looked over at him
"Yes, I am. You look familiar have I met you before?" Obi-wan asked looking back at him as they worked
"Yes. Well, no. You and a friend of yours came to my village looking for Savage. You may call me Feral."
"Alright Feral, who sent you?"
"Mother Talzin. All I know is that I have to ensure your safety until we can either find our way out or for someone to come and rescue us." Feral finished explaining as he continued to work and pause as guards came and left. Obi-wan studied his new friend, Feral. He looked like he was built like Maul with well built muscles. Although it was shown that witches may have played a part by the unusual height and long horns, but he wasn't as tall nor were his horns like Savage. The skin tone of Savage, but his voice was slightly higher than Savage's, but with the same roughness to it. Although he had more horns than Savage and Maul.
As they worked through silence as guards came and left, Obi-wan ran through his memory trying to remember we're in the village ambush Feral was, but he couldn't remember.
Once it was lunch time the Zygerians tossed food to each slave and Feral carefully walked around than over to Obi-wan not wanting to alert the guards. Obi-wan ate a small piece of bread with his head down and noticed Feral sit next to him.
"Here." Feral spoke in a rough whisper.
"Eat up." Feral carefully place a piece of bread in Obi-wan's wooden bowl that the Zygerians gave him.
"No, that's your food. You need it. You eat it." Obi-wan whispered back
"The Zygerians only give enough to keep you alive. Eat it. I already handed out the rest of my food to the others. I hate watching these monster starve people." Feral said and took a bite out of a small piece of bread. Obi-wan smile and slightly looked at Feral.
"You would have made a good Jedi, Feral." Obi-wan complimented his new friend and they sat there eating slowly watching the guards looking for any flaw in their system. They returned back to work when the guards noticed the first person done. They worked long through the heat for hours until it was time to sleep. Obi-wan climbed into the only available bed which was next to Feral's.
"If no one come in a few rotations we'll have break out of here ourselves." Feral said once the guards left the sleeping quarters.
"Someone will come." Obi-wan commented as both of them sat against the wall that separated their beds.
"So what did you do to earn Mother Talzin's respect to make her send me here waiting for you?" Feral asked his harsh voice turned the simple question to a question of irritation.
"I'm not to keen to just tell people, but you can say I'm close with one of her sons and he knows that I was taken. So when I say someone is coming, I know it to be true." Obi-wan said with confidence and Feral sat there in silence as Obi-wan looked at his own restraints.
"Do not give up hope so easily, my friend." Obi-wan looked at the wall that separated them.
"Hope is not a thing warriors think about, it's strategy and when to strike." Feral commented thinking about the past.
"You know, you remind me a lot of that friend of mine. He is quite the warrior, even though I should hate him for being on the other side of the war. All the Jedi he's killed and I can't help, but see the good in him. It doesn't make sense does it?" Obi-wan looked at the ceiling thinking of Maul.
"No. I know exactly how it feels." Feral responded with a sad look as he looked down at the bed as he thought of Savage.

(A.N: sorry for not posting in a while I know this chapter is short but I have been writing other chapters so expect some more really soon! And thanks for the votes 😃)

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