The Song You Dance To At Your Wedding

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Joe: You guys danced to Little Things by One Direction because Joe knew that going into your relationship that you had a lot of insecurities, especially about small features about yourself, but he thought those small features were perfect and they made up the most perfect person in the world.

Murr: You danced to My Girl by The Temtations because no matter how many fights or arguments that you got into, you were the light of his life and you'd always be his girl.

Sal: Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran was the song you guys danced to at your wedding because you guys had been good friends for years, but neither one of you knew that love was right in front of you until he got the guts to ask you out. That's why the line "We found love right where we are" represents your relationship.

Q: You guys danced to Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis at your wedding because he always kept trying to hide his emotions when he was around you, but eventually he couldn't help falling in love and had to ask you out before someone else did.

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