Can We Talk

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When the photoshoot was finally over, I changed my clothes and got in my car. I have been calling to speak to Eric for two weeks straight but he will not talk to me. I know he doesn't want to speak to me cause I got him locked up but he deserved it......At least that's what I thought at the time... Now I don't know. I started my car and drove to tha prison.

••Men's Correctional Facility••

This time when I came to speak to him, instead of speaking to him with a glass between us we were in a big room with tables and the prisoners had chains around their wrist. He sat down at the table where I was seated and it was a long awkward silence and I was about to speak but was cut off by him speaking.

"Where's Faith?" He asked. "With my mom." I replied. I continued. "But i-." "Then why are you here?" He says cutting me off again. "What do you mean?" I ask. "If Faith ain't here, why are you?" He finished. I frowned. "I wanted to see you." I say a little offended. "Why? It ain't like I actuality care about you or something." He says with no emotion.

I stared at him in shock. "What?" I say as ny voice was cut short by hurt. "You heard what the fuck I said, I don't want you nor do I love you; if faith aint here you shouldn't be either." My eyes teared up. "Bye." He says slightly frowning. "But... You..-" "why the fuck is you still here." He says cutting me off again. He continued. "You can't take a fuckin hint? Bye bitch, kick rocks." He says as he chuckled a little.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest and my stomach turned the more he spoke. I quickly got up and walked out of the room. When I got in the car I could not stop crying, I felt like I was hyperventilating as I kept thinking "He doesn't love me anymore." After 10 minutes I finally stopped crying and left to pick Faith up from my mother's house.

••••••Grandma's House••••••

I walked in and forced a smile on my face, "Hi mom." I say with a weak smile. Faith ran to me and I picked her up before positioning her on my hip. "You have fun with grandma? I asked "Yes!" She says smiling. My mother stared at me. "Come with me." She says walking back to her bedroom. I knew this was probably gonna be a long ass talk so I put Faith down in front of the tv.

I walked to my moms room and sat down on the bed. "Yes?" I say looking at her. "What's wrong." She says looking at me. "What you mean?" I asked. "Your eyes are puffy and your nose is red, you were crying." She says rubbing my face. "Why were you crying?" She asked. I tried to hold it in but my breathing got heavier as my eyes teared up and next thing I knew I was crying in her arms.

"Oh baby what's wrong?" She says holding me tight. "He don't love me no more!" I say barely able to speak. "I know I shouldn't love him but I do...I can't stop." I say trying to get the words out clearer. "Baby why would you think that?" She asked. "He told me." I say holding in my tears. She rubbed my back, "baby men say anything when they're upset, just calm down for me okay?"

I did as told and we had a long talk before me and Faith left her house.

I hope y'all like it, feel free to provide votes, ur thoughts and Ideas. <3 (Amina's Model Pic In Tha Media) 😘

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