Chapter 15-

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Chapter 15-
Farkle's POV-
While I was getting Ella a frappé and a cookie I noticed she was staring into what was known as the wishing foundation it occurred to me that within my chance was two quarters so I kept them out to ensure that Ella and I could make wishes. I go over to her and place the frappé & cookie on her lap she takes them and she smiles the most gorgeous smile that made me giggle. She even stands up and gives me the sweetest peck on the lips. "Aw thank you Farkle that's sweet of you. Milk chocolate frappé and white chocolate cookies are my favourite, how did you know?!?" She asks me rather shocked as we sit down holding hands. I smirk almost blushing, still thinking of something to say because I'm embarrassed. "I guess I overheard you telling Sarah when you had that cold a while back," I say as she rests her head on me. "I hope you don't think it's weird!" She chuckles softly taking a sip from her frappé as I rub her hand, "I don't think it's weird I think that's adorable Farkle," she says as I rest my head on her shoulder. "It's so sweet you'd want to know that about me!" She smiled the most adorable smile that had the powers to light up every room in the whole of New York City. "I saw you looking into the fountain while I was getting your snack and I was wondering if you wanted to make a wish with me?" I ask her producing two quarters from my pocket handing her one hoping she'd want to drop it in. "Aw Farkle that's so sweet of you but I have my own quarter, I couldn't take your money." She says but I thrust the quarter into her hands. "El baby please take it. I want you to take it, it's really no trouble at all," I say which makes her finally accept it. We both smiled as we closed our eyes. "Okay, in 3,2,1..." We both threw our coins into the foundation making a wish. She giggled at the sound it made, this girl had the best the most contagious laugh the world can offer which made me laugh too. "Thanks for the best time Farkle, I always have a great time with you." She says which makes me very happy as I take her hand again and squeezing it with a laugh. "I hate not holding your hand even if it's for half a second!" I confess sounding a little obsessed but I didn't care I was with the person who made come  feel like the most important person in the world. My girlfriend Ella...


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