Chapter 31-

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Chapter 31-
Ella's POV-
Farkle passed me the menu pointing to all the things that he would let me have. Mostly soups and ice create am but you can't blame him because he's only trying to do what's best for him I mean his heart is in the right place and all, which is great. I took my time deciding because I knew everyone else was looking through the entire menu. Eventually I chose the tomato soup with cheese and chocolate chip   Cookies and bubble gum ice cream for my pudding, because I hoped it would soothe my throat. Farkle said that he'd order on my behalf because I'm not well which I thought was very sweet of him, he didn't have to. For the duration of the wait for our food he let me sit resting my head upon his shoulder and he had his arm around me protectively. After around ten minutes our food arrived and as soon as mine was placed down in front of me Farkle begins to blow upon my soup for me. Then once he's satisfied that it's cool enough for me he fills the spoon and puts it into my mouth then going for his own food with a content smile. "Aren't they just the cutest?" Dad says elbowing mom, "it a sweet yet sickening way they remind me of Cory & Topanga at their age." I smiled proudly as Farkle leans in to kiss my cheek lovingly. It wasn't long before we'd all finished our main course and our pudding was arriving I was very excited since I haven't had ice cream in a long time. As soon as I saw my ice cream and it was placed in front of me whilst I'm still enjoying my moment I see  Farkle out the corner of my eye taking my picture. "Farkle buddy,please no more phones at the table." Jennifer says making Farkle put his phone straight away, "Thanks buddy I'm just worrying about your father's reputation,that's all." The further into my ice cream,the tireder I became and the next thing I remember Farkle is carrying me into his room. "Sshh El baby it's okay I'm putting you in bed. Don't move I have everything under control." He says stroking my hair which causes me to drift back off to sleep rather quickly.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this new update. Please read my new story "the little miracle" it's also a Farkle story that's going to be a little like the faults in our stars, I hope you'll enjoy it as much as this book.

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