Chapter 27-

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Chapter 27-
Ella's POV-
"Farkley?" I ask realising my throat was still very sore. Wanting to know where he was I sat up and saw him at the table. "Sorry mom I'm going to have to go Ella's up from her nap." He says on FaceTime to his mom. "It's okay son, go look after her, I know how bad flu is." His mom says, "feel better Ella dear." With that said Farkle comes and joins me in the large double bed with a smile. I coughed further, this caused me to clutch my chest that hurt very bad. "Oh darling." Farkle says worriedly, "Let me find the vapour rub for your chest." He gets off the bed fishing through the brown bag then sitting back on the bed beside me unbuttoning my zebra print pyjama jacket revealing my little pig crop top, Farkle wastes no time in rubbing my chest with the vapour lovingly. After Farkle buttoned my jacket back up I just lay on him feeling so very weak like if I lifted up a cup I may drop it. "Thank you Farkle, for looking after me." I say losing the small amount of voice I have which causes me to coughs again. "Have some more sips." He says helping drink from my lemon and honey drink. Then he picks up the thermometer checking my temperature, "it's okay beautiful once I've checked your temperature I'm giving you another cough drop." I smile attempting to sit up as Farkle grabs my achy body and lays it back down insisting I rest, probably for my own good. "I love you Farkly." I say fighting with every word. "Please stay with me." He rubbed my head lovingly holding me closer than ever. My blankets were keeping me warm so was the fact I was in Farkle's arms, he wasn't moving much himself and he certainly wasn't moving me. Then Farkle has an idea, he rises from the bed reaching for TV remote, before running to his suitcase and revealing a medium sized box with a smile. "What's in here?" I ask weakly as he places it on my lap. Farkle looks at me smiling still. "Look inside El." He says sitting down beside he helping me open it. Inside were a large selection of Disney movies! I love Disney movies. How did Farkle know that?!? "Can I watch one?" I ask trying not to cough through all of my excitement. "Of course you can watch as many as you like, they're yours!" He says chuckling as I lay there with my eyes wide open. "A gift from me to you! I've been thinking about it giving you them for a while, now just seemed the perfect time to do so." I rummage through the box looking at each of the movies in turn before choosing a favourite to watch now. Eventually I decided I wanted to watch inside out. "Let's watch inside out!" I suggested excitedly as Farkle takes it from me putting it into his laptop disk drive then lies besides me lovingly stroking my hair. "This is one of my favourite movies you know Ella." He says kissing me passionately with a lot of affection. "All my favourites are in that collection for you to enjoy." I just smiled incredibly grateful to know Farkle and have in as my ever so caring & attentive boyfriend. I'm one very,very,very lucky girl.

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