Chapter 19-

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Chapter 19-
Farkle's POV-
It was 4am when I woke up, not surprisingly I was tired but I was also very excited about going to the ski lodge with Ella. I just knew we were going to have so much fun. In all my excitement I quickly grabbed some breakfast before going round to Ella's. She was the only one Awake which was great for me because I could kiss her and cuddle her lots without being judged by her shit parents. You could tell as soon as you looked into her beautiful green eyes she was still a little sleepy which gave me the greatest idea. "Come here El baby," I say lifting her onto her suitcase and dragging it with her sat on it, multitasking I managed to grab my own suitcase dragging them both to the Matthews house. "Comfy? At a girl Ella." Every so often I'd look back at Ella and give her a sweet smile if she was lucky I'd blow her a kiss. "Thanks Farkle I love this." Ella says to me as we approach Riley's apartment building which of course makes me smile widely. We took the elevator up to Riley's apartment so Ella could stay on her suitcase therefore she couldn't fall and get hurt also if you think about it she'll have more energy when we arrive at the ski lodge although it was a ten hour bus journey. It was okay for us we were in the back Mr. Matthews mini van, Riley let us call dibs because she's sweet like that. Once we step out of the elevator I told Riley we could come on up so of course we did. "Nice work Ella, getting Farkle to push you up here. I'm not a morning person either." Topanga chuckles clutching her coffee close to her. "Is it comfy? Should I try it?" Mr. Matthews glares at Topanga with a classic 'don't you even care think about it' face on him as he is gathering everyone's luggage so I lift Ella off suitcase and onto my hip because we both had backpacks on so I couldn't give her a piggyback which is her favourite. Maya was standing right beside me with a confusing look plastered on her face. "Dude let Ella walk, she's not a baby!" She says annoyingly in fact more annoying than usual, "I can't believe you stole the back seat from me!" Lucas luckily steps in putting his hands over her mouth before she had a chance to say anything more to Ella or I which I was incredibly thankful for because I know what Maya Penelope Hart is like because I've known her since I was seven years old. "Maya it's not even seven am and further more were not even on the road yet so can you please hush your mouth. Thank you." He says angry yet still letting his southern ways shine through. Typical Lucas Friar, I bet he finds a great girl someday. "Maya you should be grateful Mr. Matthews invited you on this trip he didn't have to." Actually Lucas did have a very good point in what he'd said just then I was very impressed. "Okay troop let's get in the mini van so we can get going because we need to get there before dinner. THEY HAVE TATER TOTS!!" He says excitedly just like a child as I carry Ella back out the apartment and back to the elevator. "Right Ella and Farkle in the back you get." Of course Ella and I do, as soon as we have our seat belts on we cuddle with Ella's head over my shoulder her eyes Beginning to close so wanting her to stay warm I grab my backpack gently not wanting to disturb her so I can reach for my debate club hoodie that will keep her warm.

Always been her- a Farkle Minkus storyWhere stories live. Discover now