Past Lives- Alya

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Past Life #1

Name: Anne Baker

Occupation: Servant to the Prince

Born: December 8th, 1957

Died: December 12th, 1999 (age 42)

- Demetria Girting
- Louis Baker

Spouse- Gerald Theaters

Issue- Agatha Theaters

Notes: Despite having Royal heritage, Anna's family was reduced to  servants to the Royal Household during WWI.

Past Life #2-

Name: Laura Ingalls Wilder

Born: February 7th, 1867

Died: February 10th, 1957

-  Caroline Quinner
-  Charles Ingalls

Spouse- Almanzo Wilder

Issue- Rose Wilder Lane and an unnamed baby boy

Occupation: Author, family farmer, teacher (formally) and journalist

Note: Laura is the author and creator of the Little House series which includes Little House on the Prairie (A/N: I chose her because I LOVE Laura Ingalls)

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