Christmas is Early

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"Don't you think it's kind of early to be putting up a wreath?" "No. Let me have this one thing up." "Adrien, my love, we already have the stockings up and it's not even Halloween yet." "I'm skipping Halloween this year?" 

"Oh really?" Marinette said with a raise of her eyebrow. "Then do tell why there's a skeleton in every window with bats and black cats?" Adrien looked sheepish before holding out a Jack Skellington stocking. "Halloween is my second favorite holiday." Marinette laughed. "Let me worry about you not eating all of the Halloween candy before I start worrying about you wrapping yourself. Again."

A/N: I LIVE!!!!!!!!! If at all possible, I would like Christmas Music to be on the radio all year round. I started my Christmas Spotify playlist on September 14th this year but started listening to Christmas in August. I'm so ready for Christmas this year!!!!!!! 

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