Harry Potter AU Part 1

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A/N: It's safe to say that there will be no spoilers past Order of the Phoenix in this one shot. So, no Half-Blood Prince or Deathly Hallows. Hermione is Mari, Ron is Adrien, Harry is Nino and Ginny is Alya. I don't think I have to say who Chloè is...

"Come on girl!" Ginny Weasley encouraged. "I'm sick and tired of seeing you drool over him from afar. You can't even come into my house without drooling!" Hermione Granger laughed. "Have you seen him?" She asked her best friend. "Yes, he's my brother. And I don't think he's cute." Ginny replied. "Harry on the other hand," she waved her hand in front of her face. Hermione laughed. "He's being oblivious now to your affections, but he knows that you're around and alive." Ginny snorted. "Totally."

"She's beautiful!" Ron basically screamed in his best friends face. "I mean, it's Ladybug of all people." Said best friend, Harry Potter, wiped the spit off his face. "I get it." He said calmly, having put up with this tirade before.

"Now can we go get pizza?"

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